171 God'S Presence In You

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8428 God Himself inclines to His creatures.... Mar 3, 1963 552  Print view
Speech of God
7384 Rationale for addressing God.... Aug 2, 1959 359  Print view
8421 Address of God proof of His existence.... Feb 24, 1963 532  Print view
God is love
2289 God is Love.... The mystery of love.... Apr 4, 1942 957  Print view
7826 God is Love.... He wants to give happiness.... Feb 15, 1961 749  Print view
7272 God's love pursues man until he himself opens his heart.... Feb 1, 1959 545  Print view
God's spirit and love sparks in people
1618 The soul.... The spiritual spark in the human being.... Sep 18, 1940 811  Print view
7453 The spiritual spark in man.... Nov 11, 1959 386  Print view
6696 Igniting the spark of love.... instruction for this.... Nov 23, 1956 718  Print view
The purpose of life of people
6796 Whoever remains in love....' Strange gods.... Apr 1, 1957 733  Print view
8019 Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ.... Oct 15, 1961 928  Print view
Acquire divine attributes
5501 The divine attributes in man.... Proof through Jesus Christ.... Oct 6, 1952 169  Print view
7759 Awakening the divine abilities possible.... Nov 29, 1960 408  Print view
8608 Acquiring virtues.... Sep 6, 1963 771  Print view
Make the heart to receive God's
5390 "I will take up residence in your hearts...." May 13, 1952 120  Print view
5515 Purification of the heart as the temple of God.... Oct 24, 1952 330  Print view
7367 Purifying the heart.... May 19, 1959 1085  Print view
God's presence by prayer and mental commune
4104 God's will - voice of the heart.... Inner urging.... Aug 13, 1947 898  Print view
7441 Dialogue with the Father.... His Word from above.... Oct 30, 1959 1621  Print view
7613 The Father speaks to His child.... Jun 1, 1960 1076  Print view
8076 Blessing from the connection with God.... Jan 10, 1962 703  Print view
God's presence in the word
3396 Period of grace until the divine intervention.... Jan 7, 1945 857  Print view
7468 Presence of God.... address.... Dec 1, 1959 356  Print view
8514 Where God's Word is recognised, that is where He is present.... May 30, 1963 865  Print view
God's presence in mental exchange
5056 "Where two or three are gathered in My name...." Feb 7, 1951 235  Print view
6327 God's presence.... Aug 7, 1955 214  Print view
God's presence in the word proclamation of His servants
6292 God's presence and expression.... Jun 23, 1955 279  Print view
6559 Correct proclamation of the Word.... God’s presence.... May 31, 1956 526  Print view
God's presence by works of love
2410 This document has not yet been translated      
5963 Love 'He who remains in love remains in Me....' May 21, 1954 927  Print view
2830 This document has not yet been translated      
7101 Awareness of the presence of God.... Apr 24, 1958 391  Print view
7446 The spirit of Jesus Christ is love.... God's presence.... Nov 4, 1959 896  Print view
Surrender to God
3347 Surrender to God.... submission of the will.... Nov 26, 1944 48  Print view
7851 Complete devotion to God is return to Him.... Mar 15, 1961 331  Print view
7870 Devotion to God.... knowing Jesus Christ.... Apr 12, 1961 531  Print view
God’s presence in the heart
2809 This document has not yet been translated      
5296 God's dwelling in the heart of man.... Jan 15, 1952 249  Print view
7336 Dwelling of God in the heart.... childhood of God.... Apr 15, 1959 716  Print view
Unification with God
1138 Union with God.... Oct 15, 1939 4  Print view
1394 This document has not yet been translated      
1831 This document has not yet been translated      
3636 Bond of love.... Unification with God.... Dec 25, 1945 596  Print view
7303 Sincere longing for unification with God.... Mar 10, 1959 661  Print view
God is in you
6225 "God is in me...." loving activity.... Apr 1, 1955 463  Print view
6575 Union of the spiritual spark with the Father-Spirit.... Jesus.... Jun 17, 1956 507  Print view
8095 God is in us.... He is present to us.... Feb 6, 1962 670  Print view
Consequences of the presence of God: Hearing His word
6585 Voice of conscience.... Jul 1, 1956 724  Print view
4157 Sounding word.... Nov 1, 1947 55  Print view
7258 Prerequisite for hearing God's voice: Detachment from the world.... Jan 17, 1959 1410  Print view
Power of the word
3517 God's work in man.... power.... Aug 19, 1945 82  Print view
6697 Power effect of the divine word.... dead or awakened.... Nov 25, 1956 340  Print view
7226 Power of the divine word.... Dec 10, 1958 342  Print view
Consequences of the presence of God: Wisdom and knowledge
6193 The key to wisdom is love, not reason.... Feb 19, 1955 153  Print view
8666 Only love helps to knowledge and bliss.... Nov 7, 1963 533  Print view
Consequences of the presence of God: God's protection and assistance
5945 God's help in every need.... Apr 30, 1954 201  Print view
7329 God's presence protects against the adversary.... Apr 8, 1959 514  Print view
7332 God's presence and help requires conscious commitment.... Apr 11, 1959 688  Print view
6458 Let God always be present to you.... Jan 23, 1956 341  Print view
God’s visible presence
3398 Omnipresence of God.... beingness - power.... Jan 9, 1945 70  Print view
7713 Visible presence of Jesus.... Sep 28, 1960 704  Print view
Recognize God in Jesus Christ
5952 "No one comes to the father except through Me...." May 9, 1954 386  Print view
6098 God in Jesus Christ.... Nov 4, 1954 469  Print view
7147 God became visible in Jesus Christ.... Jun 18, 1958 902  Print view
5577 God's spirit in the man Jesus.... following.... Jan 14, 1953 318  Print view
Faith in God's presence
4456 Spiritual dialogue.... presence of God.... doubt - worry.... Oct 10, 1948 170  Print view
7256 Living christians.... power of faith.... presence of God.... Jan 15, 1959 525  Print view
8128 Faith in God's presence.... Mar 18, 1962 690  Print view
5726 Strong faith.... Following Jesus.... Jul 18, 1953 889  Print view
Consequences of faith
5642 Gifts of the spirit.... Apr 1, 1953 126  Print view
5889 Healing the sick in the name of Jesus.... Feb 27, 1954 813  Print view
6595 Miracle consequence of faith.... Jul 15, 1956 365  Print view
6780 Aspiring to the spiritual gifts.... Mar 10, 1957 349  Print view
5314 Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom.... Feb 10, 1952 691  Print view
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