88 Beyond Helpers

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
What are "beyond helpers"?
3981 Beings of light are people’s spiritual guardians.... Feb 20, 1947 574  Print view
8105 Participation of the light beings in the work of creation.... Feb 19, 1962 369  Print view
8755 Activity of non-fallen primordial spirits.... Feb 17, 1964 570  Print view
Mental influence of light beings
2205 This document has not yet been translated      
2736 This document has not yet been translated      
3354 Mental influence by beings of light.... Dec 3, 1944 564  Print view
3953 Light bearers on earth organs of spiritual light beings.... their activity.... Jan 7, 1947 109  Print view
7953 Only beings of light are permitted to teach.... Jul 31, 1961 546  Print view
Embodiment of light beings
7391 Law of the eternal order.... embodied light beings.... Aug 18, 1959 553  Print view
8245 Incarnation of many light beings in the last days.... Aug 19, 1962 739  Print view
8246 Mission of the light beings.... Awakening of the spirit of God.... Redemptive work of Jesus Christ.... Aug 20, 1962 350  Print view
8664 The embodied light beings' willingness to help.... Nov 5, 1963 758  Print view
Spiritual and earthly help by light beings
3464 Help of the light beings in spiritual and earthly need.... Mar 30, 1945 87  Print view
5914 Help from light beings only in the will of God.... Calling 'saints'.... Mar 26, 1954 204  Print view
7144 Help of the good spiritual forces.... Jun 13, 1958 365  Print view
7338 Help of the spiritual beings to perfection.... Apr 17, 1959 572  Print view
Guardian angel
6503 Protective spirit in life.... Mar 16, 1956 564  Print view
6636 Guardian spirit.... Spiritual guides.... Sep 5, 1956 551  Print view
Fate influenced by light beings
4118 Influence of the beings of light on destiny.... truth of the divine word.... Sep 8, 1947 64  Print view
6737 The light beings' methods of rescue.... Jan 15, 1957 895  Print view
7087 Help of the light beings to bring salvation to the people.... Apr 9, 1958 362  Print view
Light beings help against satanic influence
5086 Influence of spiritual beings according to the will of man.... Mar 17, 1951 121  Print view
6682 Contact with the spiritual kingdom.... Nov 1, 1956 554  Print view
7044 The adversary's activity in the garment of an angel of light.... Feb 16, 1958 622  Print view
7623 Activity of the beings of light.... Spreading the truth.... Jun 16, 1960 365  Print view
Light beings help in the end times
1437 This document has not yet been translated      
3919 Light bearers 'protected by light beings' until mission accomplished.... ban circle.... Oct 31, 1946 72  Print view
7049 Satanic activity.... Countermeasure by embodied beings of light.... Feb 26, 1958 812  Print view
7063 Protection in the struggle of faith by beings of light and otherworldly souls.... Mar 11, 1958 358  Print view
Light beings help in the beyond
3952 The souls' state of darkness in the beyond and help by beings of light.... Jan 4, 1947 556  Print view
7948 Wrestling of the beings of light in the realm of darkness.... Jul 24, 1961 362  Print view
5675 Calling upon the beings of light.... Prior connection with the Father.... May 13, 1953 555  Print view
8340 Power influx through connection with the light-filled world.... Nov 27, 1962 353  Print view
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