0799 Active will necessary.... faith without evidence....

March 7, 1939: Book 16

It was up to your will to free yourself from the power of evil, since the will in you became action. In the same way, everyone's will has to become active if he wants to fulfil his mission on earth properly, and therefore lukewarm resistance can by no means bring success, but victory over evil has to be achieved by using the whole will. The assumption that life on earth is lived in full possession of all spiritual power is erroneous. Certain spiritual powers are certainly available to the human being for the earthly career, but only to a limited extent, in relation to the actual fullness of all power from God, which the being has to expect in the beyond.... provided that the strength at its disposal for earthly life was utilized correctly. Now this strength increases on earth to the same extent as the human being allows himself to be permeated by God's strength. And this again lies solely in his will. He will therefore have extraordinary strength at his disposal who continuously allows the will to become active in him.... who unswervingly completes the path of life on earth in faith in the saviour.... who complies with the call to serve Him.... and who remains faithful to Him in spite of all hostility and all talk against Him. The lord strengthens him and does not allow him to waver. If the lord demands your commitment, then only His word should be of value to you, but the objections of men should not affect you. Everyone is convinced of his spiritual sharpness, but in order to accept the word of the lord with faith, a person should be poor in spirit, i.e. have the least amount of spiritual goods.... the easier the word of the lord will be able to penetrate. But no man on earth can teach anyone who believes he is in wisdom without encountering resistance. And a doubting mind will understandably also lack understanding for divine truths. But the result will always remain that those who are in the knowledge of books will never be able to reach a judgement, for if the cause of origin is not explainable to them, they should not criticize the content, which they could just as little deny or refute if they were to provide evidence for their counterclaims. Very few people are capable of explaining the wise reign and activity of the deity, but how can a person without spiritual knowledge explain God's visible activity.... How, for example, is the entire doctrine of creation, if the father in heaven Himself gives it to people, to be acceptable to them if man wants to demand proof for all these teachings.... and how, on the other hand, should the divine creator make His reign and activity understandable if not through His teachings conveyed to them, and thus the human being will either have to believe or reject everything.... for to substantiate everything taught with visible evidence in order to persuade him to believe would again not be appropriate, for it would require little or no human will. Something clearly proven must be accepted, so the human being would not be compelled to utilize his free will.... he would, on the contrary, inevitably be unable to close his mind to realization, and there could then no longer be any question of faith. The less a person demands proof and yet has profound faith, the more obvious the reign and activity of the eternal deity will be to him, and what gives the unbeliever cause for contradiction is for him precisely an indisputable sign of divine love, and he believes because he is seized by this love....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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