0800 Right worship service....

March 8, 1939: Book 16

This is the true service of God, that man may live in faith, work in love and give glory to God as the only creator of all things. And if you serve God in this way, blessings will flow from it, you will make yourselves worthy of all favours, and your share will be eternal life in all its glory. And for this purpose God has given you life, that His kingdom which He has prepared for you may be granted to you, and you shall inherit the kingdom of God.... you are to do whatever the father asks, so that He may consider you as His children forever with all bliss.... so that you, who have been chosen for adoption as children of God, may share in all the delights of heaven. And thus the lord wills it, yet you pay no attention to His words and neglect to serve Him on earth in love and obedience. This causes the lord to admonish you further and further.... He is in closest contact with you, if only you acknowledge Him, and is extremely concerned that you do not go astray. He draws close to you in the most visible way and He considers His children exceptionally so that they shall recognize Him. And so it happens that He dwells in your midst where you make mention of Him. He then knocks at the door of your hearts and desires admittance, and whoever opens up to Him will receive His blessing and be relieved of all spiritual hardship. This is man's task in time and eternity, that he receives the lord into his heart, for only in the presence of the divine lord and master lies unlimited happiness, both on earth and one day in eternity. The creature will always serve its creator and sing praise and honour to Him, so that His presence has become the epitome of all bliss. But He who now rules over all beings from eternity to eternity is truly indescribably great and wise.... His omnipotence reaches into the deepest depth of creation, and His wisdom cannot be grasped by man, and every being is His creation, His property and His will which has become form.... And so everything that lives should be subject to Him in love and service and be a true servant to Him in all reverence and devotion, shunning all outward appearances, but erecting an altar to the lord in the heart, on which he offers Him his love and gratitude and his will and vows renunciation of all worldly love.... Such worship is pleasing to the lord, who sees into the heart and judges only the degree of love that is the cause of every sacrifice offered to the lord. Whoever serves God in such a way that he brings souls to Him or is concerned about the salvation of his neighbour's soul, his fate is in His hands, for love guides his will and will be rewarded by the love of the divine saviour, Who is the eternal love Himself....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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