0798 Forces from below....

March 6, 1939: Book 16

My love often seeks you out and you make contact with Me. I want to keep you away from the traditional course of those who want to explore Me, who soon lose themselves in excessive brooding and are then no longer up to the demands of life. You see, humanity is turning away from Me and I therefore need willing earthly children who are completely devoted to Me and who are to carry out a mission intended to counteract the goings-on of humanity. What is neglected on the one hand to call Me in all tribulation, in doubts of faith and anxious questions, must be done all the more eagerly on the part of these earthly children.... They must always and everywhere seek Me, consult Me, draw strength from Me and without hesitation entrust every step to Me.... And I will always be ready to let Myself be found and distribute strength in abundance. For only in this way can I visibly work on earth again if My children always endeavour to do what I put into their hearts, as it were. Anyone who entrusts every question to Me for an answer, who listens to Me and accepts My admonitions as what they should be.... anyone who willingly follows Me is also conscientious in his earthly task and therefore suitable to be My helper. The teachings from above will reach you without interruption and the right bond with Me will also ensure you such in the future....

Only someone who renounces all doubts is able to receive God's pure teaching, for it is his faith which allows him to recognize the truth correctly. And therefore the spiritual forces always choose the form appropriate to the state of faith, that is, an earthly child with profound faith will also be guided into the most profound knowledge, but on the other hand the doubting person will be offered the teaching such that it can easily trigger doubts again in order to recognize that a strong faith is necessary and to strive for it with all his zeal. He who has faith receives unlimited spiritual teachings, which he receives again without doubt. However, every doubting thought also weakens the ability to receive, and thus the reception of profound spiritual teachings is considerably more difficult and the teaching of the earth child only progresses slowly. If you consider all this, you will also find an explanation for the unsatisfied mood to which you are sometimes subject. The cognizant soul resists everything that hinders it and constantly desires spiritual nourishment, and the love of the divine saviour constantly grants it this. And so receive:

From below, i.e. from the area of the God-opposing power, a force can understandably never express itself which visibly and constantly points towards God; thus the endeavour of those regions will also always be to keep the beings in apostasy or to try by all means to alienate them from the eternal deity. In such a presupposition of the working of this power from below the received writings are already proof in themselves that they are of divine origin, for everything which obviously leads upwards must also emanate from there.... just as, conversely, the working of the powers turned away from God becomes recognizable through such teachings which would like to completely contradict the divine teaching. Thus the success of the received teachings must also correspond to these, the whole change of nature must be in harmony with the spiritual good that is imparted to the earthly child. And this must strengthen faith and also banish all doubt from the heart. The human being is indeed weak and very often succumbs to the temptations of evil, when he should be able to stand firm due to the extraordinarily many proofs of divine love.... but then he has to fight hard and must therefore atone for his fickleness and weak faith.... And again it is only prayer that allows him to overcome. Without divine help the human being cannot free himself from the state of fear and doubt, only the grace of the lord, implored in prayer, gives the earthly child renewed strength, and it then works with double zeal for the liberation of the spirit from the unworthy state, the captivity of the adversary, who often tries to shake the human being's steadfastness of faith by quite harmless means and is also sometimes successful despite the best will and obvious realization of the living God.... But even if the spirit is willing, the human being's body is still weak, and recognizing this, the adversary uses every opportunity to stir up doubt in the human heart and thus make hearts submissive to his influence. It is therefore of particular importance for the human being that he tries to become master of doubt.... that he endeavours to strengthen his faith and wholeheartedly requests this from the father, only then will he feel equal to the adversary's temptations and never fall into temptation, he will become strong in spirit and the adversary will have no power over him....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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