0726 Fate not an obstacle to cognition.... free will....

December 29, 1938: Book 15

Behold, My child, the innumerable, widely ramified and yet always interlocking events, which you call coincidences, are most closely connected with My creation. Only a controller of all things and all events can ensure that creation and all activity in the universe takes its orderly course, and in this context you will realize that you cannot escape your destiny determined by Me for this life, and that is what makes you believe that you only ever have to carry out what has been destined for you since eternity. On the one hand you certainly have to do so, yet you are never forced to adopt a certain faith.... or a certain spiritual attitude through worldly events. This will be entirely up to you, and every worldly event, whether you find it pleasant or unpleasant, will truly give you more than enough opportunities to attain the right realization. Not one of the earthly children will be able to say that the life imposed on him has prevented him from true realization, for I always arrange all worldly events, even though people make them themselves through their will, in such a way that they give the earthly child the greatest possible opportunity to further his inner life. Thus it can happen that in the midst of the greatest and most painful events the earthly child's true relationship with the father is established far sooner than in a carefree existence.... but even in this a child can find the father if the events of the environment are respected and the heart is not hardened and its ego is placed too far in the foreground. I truly give all My living creations what is best for them, for My constant concern is only for the final return of My living creations, and therefore My love and wisdom is also intent on allowing the human being to take the path which offers him the greatest opportunity to come close to Me. And therefore people experience this My care daily and hourly with every step they take on the earthly path marked out by Me. How they utilize the opportunities is completely up to them. Free will is then active there. If I were to deprive people of their purely earthly free will, they would deprive themselves of every possibility of maturing their soul, for they could then organize their life on earth as it suits everyone, unhindered by higher power.... Their endeavours would increasingly only apply to the world, matter would be increased and everything spiritual diminished. And in the end My work of creation would be completely destroyed where My wisdom is eliminated and instead the free will of the human being, whose wisdom is inadequate, wants to dominate the whole. And thus you only have to recognize My love for you humans again, that I only direct your earthly life according to My will in order to be able to give you the highest one day.... that you, however, are allowed to make unlimited use of your spiritual freedom of will, both upwards as well as downwards. Occasionally you also have your earthly fate in your own hands and can shape it as you like, yet even then the circumstances and events will always approach you such that you have the same opportunity to shape your inner destiny.... whether you have chosen it yourselves this way or that.... that you can therefore seemingly create different living conditions through your own will but nevertheless have to take the same path through suffering and worry if it is intended by Me for the purpose of spiritual progress. If you always base everything that approaches you on this realization then you will soon abandon yourselves to Me in complete trust and establish the right relationship of the child to the father, which is the first condition in order to fulfil the earthly task correctly in a spiritual sense. And therefore all spiritual experience will never be dependent on the earthly situation in life but each one will offer sufficient opportunity for the earthly child to submit itself to My will and thus derive the greatest benefit for its soul. And thus the objection that the earthly activity or task does not allow for an immersion into spiritual knowledge is invalid, for I guarantee the former to everyone but the latter is solely left to the human being's free will....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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