0725 Permission from above to increase the will to resist....

December 27, 1938: Book 15

The events of daily life change with the lord's full approval, and all events are, as it were, an authorization from above, as they always have only one purpose: to strengthen the will to resist and to make the state of the soul ever brighter and clearer. Where man often wants to become timid, he applies greater energy because he does not like his own state of weakness and wants to remedy it as quickly as possible. This increased generation of willpower to overcome such resistance allows the soul to become increasingly more mature, for all struggle which is directed towards spiritual resistance is in accordance with the creator's will and must therefore also lead to perfection. And thus every event which gives rise to lively spiritual activity is also permitted by God, since it is necessary for the human being's education and thus can only have a beneficial effect or also bring the human being a serious relapse, but only if the earthly child's will to live in divine order diminishes.... i.e. if all striving upwards is suddenly perceived as unprofitable and therefore abandoned. However, this is only to be feared in the case of people who have never been serious about recognizing eternal truth or who cannot completely separate themselves from the earthly.... who are quick to strive for one thing and then another and do not gain the strength to persevere through prayer.... They will also always lack the strength to keep God's commandments. It is precisely what they lack, be it willpower, knowledge or love, that they should seek to increase through fervent prayer.... they should not carelessly let the lord's gifts of grace pass them by.... they should seek to make themselves worthy of these graces and, as long as they do so, wrestle in fervent prayer to God for union with Him, Who will then make the earthly child's path through life easily passable; for the lord grants everything to a child who asks for his soul's salvation. Again and again it must be pointed out how valuable it is when the human being no longer begins anything without having sought union with the heavenly father.... for then the father, as it were, walks with His child.... And where apparent resistance worries the child, there only new paths are levelled, not yet quite comprehensible and clear to the human being, but planfully inserted by the wise creator in such a way that a striving human being can always derive spiritual benefit from it, for in the everyday smooth running of earthly life a fighter can hardly develop who can one day stand up for the name of God with full conviction. Everything that a person is to represent before his fellow world, he must first have felt in himself.... he must have spiritually penetrated every problem before he is able to solve it for others. And if the lord wants to let a fighting army emerge from you, He also has to train you to fight for the truth, and this can only happen by practicing to fight for the name of the lord against all hostility from the earthly side.... who are misguided because they do not understand the great, infinite love of God and therefore look at everything with the eyes of the world, selfishly and lovelessly pursue earthly interests and thereby forget the most important thing, that a fervent struggle for the soul should begin during the time of earthly life. And to only work for God and the truth with true zeal will also always liberate the human being from oppressive, seemingly insurmountable situations in life and always give him new strength to pursue the path which must inevitably lead to the goal....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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