0727 Faith and trust in God necessary for resistance.... storm....

December 30, 1938: Book 15

All the world will be informed of how powerful the lord's will is, and more and more evidence of His working among humanity will arise and bear witness to God's eternally invincible love. The more obvious signs the lord gives to people, the greater opposition they will provoke, for humanity's mind is completely removed from spiritual experience. There are only a few who stand in the light and these few will have a difficult time against the majority of unbelievers. And only the strongest faith and deepest trust in God will give them the strength to resist. Yet God's help is not far away in adversity and you are only outwardly alone, yet your soul is not alone and thus you are not defencelessly exposed to the efforts and hostilities of your unbelieving fellow human beings. Everything that seems unsettling to you, that is, so to speak, directed against you, is like a storm that may blow around you but cannot overthrow you if you offer resistance yourselves. And the lord will never allow the force of the storm to be greater than your resistance if only you remain faithful to Him and recognize God's omnipotence in everything that surrounds you and therefore trust Him with complete faith. The danger for you only lies in the fact that you forsake the lord for the sake of external advantage.... But whoever does not desire such things, the power of God remains in him and makes him strong against everything that is hostile to God. And new messengers will always arise for the glory of God.... A miracle of divine love fades visibly where the inclination towards the world is so unmistakable, and only he who turns his back on the world will recognize this miracle, and it will make him unspeakably happy....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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