Book 47


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
3687 Power of the divine word.... Feb 15, 1946 57 Print
3688 Urgency and blessing of activity for the kingdom of God.... Feb 16, 1946 65 Print
3689 Urgency and blessing of activity for the kingdom of God.... Feb 17, 1946 60 Print
3690 Battle of light against darkness at the end.... Feb 18, 1946 399 Print
3691 Need and tribulation for the purification of the soul.... Feb 19, 1946 76 Print
3692 Earthly precautions against the disaster are futile.... Feb 20, 1946 745 Print
3693 Circle of light of the divine sun of grace.... Feb 21, 1946 35 Print
3694 The future fate of the soul corresponds to its desires.... Feb 22, 1946 187 Print
3695 Obvious work of the spirit connected with mission.... Feb 23, 1946 64 Print
3696 Violation of eternal law.... Temptations.... Feb 24, 1946 384 Print
3697 Human commandments.... Neighbourly love.... God's commandment.... Feb 25, 1946 1147 Print
3698 God's Word reflects the spirit of love.... Feb 26, 1946 589 Print
3699 Belief in the immortality of the soul.... Truth.... Feb 27, 1946 431 Print
3700 Thought transmission from the spiritual kingdom.... Feb 28, 1946 226 Print
3701 God’s spiritual and physical care for His Own.... Mar 1, 1946 209 Print
3702 Transmission of truth from the realm of light.... Mar 2, 1946 220 Print
3703 Call upon God's help is indispensable in the last days.... Mar 3, 1946 573 Print
3704 Spiritual rebirth.... Mar 5, 1946 415 Print
3705 The disciple’s teaching ministry before the end .... Mar 6, 1946 393 Print
3706 Origin of thought.... Mar 7, 1946 213 Print
3707 Coming in the clouds.... Last days.... Mar 8, 1946 369 Print
3708 Spiritual turn.... Mar 9, 1946 34 Print
3709 The servants' mission on earth after the natural disaster.... Mar 10, 1946 1073 Print
3710 Announcements to be taken literally.... end.... future - present.... Mar 11, 1946 62 Print
3711 Struggle of light against darkness and victory.... Mar 12, 1946 37 Print
3712 Prudence and gentleness.... Mar 13, 1946 952 Print
3713 Admonition to work for God.... Catastrophe.... Mar 14, 1946 754 Print
3714 Prayer for grace and strength.... Mar 15, 1946 784 Print
3715 Promise of eternal bliss.... Mar 16, 1946 59 Print
3716 Danger of idleness.... Mar 17, 1946 787 Print
3717 Living faith and its strength.... Mar 18, 1946 383 Print
3718 Constrained souls.... Act of Salvation.... Mar 19, 1946 194 Print
3719 Activity of intellect and heart.... Truth.... Mar 20, 1946 193 Print
3720 Announcement of the catastrophe.... Mar 22, 1946 59 Print
3721 Nullity of earthly troubles.... Mar 23, 1946 35 Print
3722 "The kingdom of heaven suffers violence...." Mar 23, 1946 34 Print
3723 Detachment from earthly possessions.... Mar 21, 1946 427 Print
3724 Willpower.... Strength and might.... Mar 24, 1946 215 Print
3725 Bearers of light.... God’s protection.... Mar 25, 1946 200 Print
3726 Concern for His Own.... Mar 26, 1946 198 Print
3727 Working miracles in the end time.... Mar 27, 1946 63 Print
3728 'Whoso eateth My flesh....' Mar 28, 1946 224 Print
3729 The church of Christ.... Faith - Rock.... Mar 29, 1946 395 Print
3730 Gift of teaching.... Teaching ministry.... Mar 30, 1946 527 Print
3731 Teaching activity in times of adversity – Last days .... Mar 31, 1946 542 Print
3732 Exercise to hear the voice of the spirit.... Apr 1, 1946 615 Print
3733 Cup of suffering.... God’s love.... Apr 2, 1946 576 Print
3734 Simple form of prayer.... Apr 3, 1946 577 Print
3735 Spiritual meaning of the Word.... Apr 4, 1946 195 Print
3736 Disclosure of attitude.... Apr 5, 1946 599 Print
3737 Most difficult conditions of life after the disaster.... Apr 6, 1946 648 Print
3738 God's intervention on behalf of the unbelievers.... Apr 7, 1946 37 Print
3739 Expediency of creations.... God’s will.... Apr 8, 1946 211 Print
3740 Do this in remembrance of Me....' Last Supper.... Apr 10, 1946 579 Print
3741 Fulfilment of the predictions.... Proof for unbelievers.... Apr 11, 1946 386 Print
3742 Judgment of blind fools.... False knowledge without love.... Apr 13, 1946 34 Print
3743 Spiritual redemption is the only purpose.... Apr 14, 1946 189 Print
3744 Christ’s promises.... Conditions - Fulfilment.... Apr 16, 1946 562 Print
3745 The spirit of truth.... Apr 17, 1946 351 Print
3746 Spirit of truth.... Apr 19, 1946 35 Print
3747 Significance of the work of redemption.... Apr 20, 1946 35 Print
3748 Continuation of the act of Salvation.... Mission.... Apr 21, 1946 187 Print
3749 Irrevocable end.... Divine order and infringement.... Apr 22, 1946 192 Print
3750 Strength and grace in the last days.... Apr 23, 1946 203 Print
3751 Extent of divine love.... Apr 24, 1946 193 Print
3752 Struggle for faith not in vain.... Apr 25, 1946 196 Print
3753 Most difficult time of hardship before the end.... Apr 27, 1946 389 Print
3754 Glories of God.... union on earth.... Apr 28, 1946 57 Print
3755 The commandment of love as life’s guiding principle.... Apr 29, 1946 571 Print
3756 God’s will or permission.... Free will.... Apr 30, 1946 205 Print
3757 Living water.... Source of eternal life.... May 1, 1946 201 Print
3758 Lively activity of the light beings before the remodelling.... May 2, 1946 36 Print
3759 Love, wisdom, power of God recognizable in the word.... May 3, 1946 42 Print
3760 Transitoriness of the earthly.... need before the end.... May 4, 1946 39 Print
3761 Bliss already on earth.... May 5, 1946 38 Print
3762 Significance of the transmission of the divine word.... May 6, 1946 37 Print
3763 Grounding every event in God's love.... Apr 7, 1946 39 Print
3764 Spiritually directed senses.... Apr 8, 1946 36 Print
3765 Undoubted faith.... May 9, 1946 55 Print
3766 Trial of faith before the battle of faith.... May 10, 1946 80 Print
3767 ‘I Am the way, the truth, and the life....’ May 11, 1946 579 Print
3768 Christ’s Second Coming.... May 12, 1946 538 Print