
3759 Love, Wisdom, Strength of God recognisable in the Word....

May 3, 1946: Book 47

Know the spirit of wisdom which speaks from every Word imparted to you through My love. Think about it and, if it touches you beneficially, the strength of My Word shall already have an effect on you, and then you will also recognise My love which conveys the Word to you in order to make you blissfully happy. Love, wisdom and strength must always be recognisable in everything that is of divine origin, for love, wisdom and strength is the epitome of My nature, and whatever emanates from Me must testify to My nature, otherwise it could be denied its divine origin. I Myself Am the Word and come to you.... I Myself offer you something exceedingly precious.... Myself in My fundamental substance.... Love, wisdom and strength.... Consequently, by accepting My gift you must be filled with strength and wisdom, and your heart must feel impelled towards loving activity because love will always trigger reciprocal love, and thus I Myself must be in you in all fullness if you accept My Word in realisation of its divine origin, if you acknowledge Me Myself as the Giver of truth which is conveyed to you through My Word and thus accept with an open heart what My love offers you. Since you yourselves are a part of Me, only in an imperfect state due to your will which turned away from Me, this will, as soon as it is correctly directed, can change this imperfect state into a perfect one if you consciously enter into contact with Me in order to receive the emanation of Myself, of My love and strength.... if you thus desire strength and grace from Me, which is now conveyed to you in the form of My Word. Wisdom, strength and love will then be your share, you will return to the divine state again, which was your original state from the start, because I Myself will then be within you, because you will no longer be on the outside but will merge with Me through the change of your will. Then I Myself Am in you, just as you are in Me.... My Word, which I Myself offer you from above, should put you in this state, you should listen to it, think about it, put it into practice and thus live in love.... Then you will brightly and clearly recognise the origin of the Word, you will recognise Me, My love, wisdom and strength and thus be filled with love, wisdom and strength yourselves, because this is the characteristic of My gift, that your nature will become like Mine as soon as you allow My Word to take effect in you through your will. For I Am My Word Myself, and where I Am there has to be love, light and strength in abundance....


Translated by Sven Immecke