
3746 Spirit of truth....

April 19, 1946: Book 47

The mediators of truth will always think correctly as soon as they work for My kingdom. Hence the listener need never fear to be wrongly instructed if he receives divine Words which he has not received from an external source, be it from books or through study. Thus, as soon as a person stands up for Me and My teaching and to a certain extent represents his own thoughts, that is, knowledge which was born from himself, his thinking will also be right, for the origin of the thought is not an unsolved problem for the one who knows. Anyone who speaks for Me, who represents My name and My teaching of love out of himself, is also My labourer, he is in My service and he is correctly guided by Me in his thoughts, words and actions. This is why a bearer and disseminator of My Word can always be believed as soon as he stands up for what he speaks with utmost conviction, as soon as he can refute all objections and counterarguments logically and acceptably to the person who desires the truth.... (19.4.1946) The listener must feel that the teaching person does not represent something he has learnt but a body of thought which has come alive within himself, and he will be able to convince himself of this through speech and counter-speech. He can then also be convinced that I, as the Eternal Truth, work spiritually through this person as soon as he stands up for Me, that I shall not let him spread untruths because this contradicts My love and wisdom. For this reason, however, the listener must also be given the opportunity to express himself so that the teacher's logical thinking can set in and be recognised. Anyone who is not filled by My spirit will never be able to pass on My Word in a living way, even if he has a wealth of knowledge which he has acquired through study. But the knowledge remains dead, and if he is forced to defend it through counter-speech, he will again make use of memorised knowledge, he will not be able to clearly and comprehensibly refute the objections or dispel doubts in such a way that the listener is convinced of the truth of his speech. My spirit must be able to be active in a person, and it will also be active in every teacher of My Word if he eagerly supports the spreading of truth in order to lead his fellow human beings to Me, Whom he has recognised as the Eternal Truth. I guide his thinking correctly, and the most certain characteristic of My spirit in him is that he only represents My Word, that he proclaims My teaching of love to his fellow human beings and tries to make them understand the effect of the working of love.... He alone is the true representative of Me on earth, the bearer of truth and thus My disciple and servant who works on My behalf. His mission is to stimulate his fellow human being into loving activity and, depending on the fulfilment of My first and greatest commandment of love, he will become knowledgeable, he will be permeated by truth as soon as he listens to My Word and obeys it. Then My spirit will also take effect in him, he will be fully convinced that he is living in truth as soon as he lives a life of love, for My spirit protects everyone from erroneous thinking who strives towards Me from the bottom of his heart, who tries to change himself into love in order to conform to Me, Who is Eternal Love Himself....


Translated by Sven Immecke