Book 23


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
1353 Desire for light.... knowledge.... truth.... Mar 25, 1940 93 Print
1354 Subordination of the will.... liberation of the spirit.... Mar 26, 1940 105 Print
1355 Activity of the spiritual.... teachings.... light.... Mar 27, 1940 64 Print
1356 False whispers.... mindfulness.... Mar 27, 1940 62 Print
1357 Teaching.... protection against erroneous teachings.... spirit of God.... Mar 27, 1940 62 Print
1358 Work of redemption.... spiritual rebirth.... Mar 28, 1940 62 Print
1359 Demands.... following Jesus.... forgiveness of sins.... Mar 28, 1940 65 Print
1360 Charity.... earthly and spiritual need.... Mar 29, 1940 122 Print
1361 Aversion to spiritual food.... obstacle.... Mar 29, 1940 81 Print
1362 Jesus' death on the cross.... Mar 30, 1940 75 Print
1363 God denier.... Mar 31, 1940 85 Print
1364 Free decision between matter and spirit.... Mar 31, 1940 73 Print
1365 Abuse of free will.... apostasy of the spiritual from God.... Apr 1, 1940 69 Print
1366 God's programmes.... God's authorisations.... satan's work.... Apr 1, 1940 99 Print
1367 Dispositions.... moral theory.... legal concept.... Apr 2, 1940 64 Print
1368 "And lead us not into temptation...." our father.... Apr 2, 1940 112 Print
1369 Thess. 2, 13.... change of the last sentence.... talk about it.... Apr 3, 1940 84 Print
1370 Demonic activity.... self-determination.... education station.... Apr 4, 1940 130 Print
1371 Participation of the otherworldly beings in fate.... Apr 4, 1940 77 Print
1372 Earthly pleasures of the God-minded person.... Apr 5, 1940 80 Print
1373 Spiritual and physical nourishment.... Apr 7, 1940 72 Print
1374 Right Ways.... roman catholic.... Apr 7, 1940 121 Print
1375 Human additions.... Attendance at church.... Apr 8, 1940 804 Print
1376 Ceremonies.... Childship to God.... Apr 8, 1940 607 Print
1377 Ceremonies.... Childship to God.... Apr 9, 1940 594 Print
1378 Consolations.... Gestapo Apr 9, 1940 78 Print
1379 Consolations.... Apr 10, 1940 79 Print
1380 Unbearable hardship.... Apr 10, 1940 215 Print
1381 Cast all your cares upon the lord.... Apr 11, 1940 74 Print
1382 The will of man is valued, not the deed.... soul work.... Apr 12, 1940 113 Print
1383 Concept of the supernatural.... Apr 16, 1940 83 Print
1384 Desire of the divine spirit.... love.... light and wisdom.... Apr 17, 1940 73 Print
1385 Stage of free will of highest importance.... Apr 20, 1940 73 Print
1386 Dispensations of providence are divine will.... Guarantee for highest maturity.... Apr 20, 1940 541 Print
1387 Entrance to eternity.... many stages.... kingdom of light - darkness.... Apr 21, 1940 71 Print
1388 New world view.... foundation wall.... foundation.... Apr 22, 1940 124 Print
1389 Understanding the spiritual teaching.... blessings of spiritual work.... earthly needs.... Apr 24, 1940 69 Print
1390 Knowledge of the spiritual necessary.... consciously working towards perfection.... Apr 24, 1940 75 Print
1391 Secret of the easy life on earth.... Apr 25, 1940 74 Print
1392 Grace of embodiment as a human being.... Apr 25, 1940 72 Print
1393 Lack of trust in God.... weakness of faith.... Apr 26, 1940 125 Print
1394 Final destiny create and revive.... union with God.... Apr 27, 1940 137 Print
1395 Sounding word.... soundboard.... instrument.... Apr 27, 1940 77 Print
1396 Insight into the realm beyond.... spiritual seeing and reproducing.... Apr 28, 1940 77 Print
1397 Deep fatherly love.... care for the lukewarm.... medium.... Apr 28, 1940 83 Print
1398 Catastrophe.... Prediction.... Apr 28, 1940 782 Print
1399 God's love and mercy for the souls of darkness.... Apr 29, 1940 135 Print
1400 Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of misguided souls.... Suffering as aid.... Apr 29, 1940 530 Print
1401 Mutual help from beings in the beyond for the care of misguided souls.... Suffering as aid.... Apr 30, 1940 545 Print
1402 Mourning for the departing.... Apr 30, 1940 230 Print
1403 The will bound by the adversary.... May 1, 1940 75 Print
1404 Ignorance of the work of the Holy Spirit.... May 1, 1940 79 Print
1405 Receiving the divine word of unusual grace.... May 2, 1940 72 Print
1406 Lack of humility.... erroneous thinking.... May 2, 1940 72 Print
1407 Work of destruction by human hands.... May 3, 1940 81 Print
1408 Premature destruction.... release of the spiritual.... May 3, 1940 150 Print
1409 Train of thought unawakened.... and organized thoughts.... May 6, 1940 74 Print
1410 Rebellion against divine will cause of the bound state.... May 7, 1940 76 Print
1411 Cult.... communities.... ? May 9, 1940 156 Print
1412 World events cause as well as means to remedy the spiritual distress.... May 10, 1940 131 Print
1413 God is love.... divine care in earthly life.... May 11, 1940 77 Print
1414 Purification process.... May 11, 1940 131 Print
1415 Divine exhortation.... Pentecost.... May 12, 1940 137 Print
1416 Outpouring of the Holy Spirit.... Joh. 14, 13-26.... pentecost.... May 12, 1940 131 Print
1417 Mental activity.... Mind.... Images.... May 13, 1940 606 Print
1418 Divine intervention.... Prediction.... May 14, 1940 583 Print
1419 Power of the Holy Spirit.... radiance of divine love.... May 15, 1940 70 Print
1420 New generation.... spiritual age.... May 15, 1940 78 Print
1421 Humility.... warriors of God.... ways of God.... reapers.... May 16, 1940 73 Print
1422 Not one stone will be left unturned.... wrong will.... May 17, 1940 76 Print
1423 Right thinking.... reducing the distance from God.... May 18, 1940 86 Print
1424 Spiritual connections dependent on the will of man.... May 18, 1940 75 Print
1425 Hardened hearts.... May 19, 1940 86 Print
1426 The adversary's endeavour to disrupt spiritual connections.... May 19, 1940 77 Print
1427 Fulfilment of duty.... voluntary or compulsory.... May 20, 1940 89 Print
1428 Utilizing the spiritual currents.... repetitions.... May 20, 1940 72 Print
1429 The will to redeem.... affliction of the underworld.... May 21, 1940 80 Print
1430 Christ advocate.... forgiveness of sins.... affirming the work of salvation.... May 22, 1940 125 Print
1431 Serve or fight.... May 22, 1940 79 Print
1432 Wanting-to-serve-God.... beautiful task.... May 23, 1940 83 Print
1433 The essential in the solid form.... material.... May 23, 1940 148 Print
1434 "And the world will be redeemed from all sin...." May 24, 1940 129 Print
1435 Lack of strength.... prayer.... sigh of relief.... May 25, 1940 73 Print
1436 World events.... Natural events.... May 25, 1940 804 Print
1437 Work of the beings of light before the intervention of God.... May 26, 1940 165 Print
1438 Mystery of the incarnation.... word of God.... divine saviour.... May 27, 1940 92 Print
1439 Various expressions of the will to live.... May 27, 1940 77 Print
1440 Apostasy from God.... the battle of light against darkness.... May 28, 1940 73 Print
1441 Sin.... atonement.... creation.... will.... redemption.... May 29, 1940 85 Print
1442 Living faith and trust in God.... May 29, 1940 122 Print