125 Let Go The Material World!

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6948 Overestimating material goods.... Oct 18, 1957 722  Print view
Two worlds
7094 The earthly world is the realm of the adversary.... Apr 16, 1958 382  Print view
6345 "My kingdom is not of this world...." Sep 2, 1955 172  Print view
4408 ‘No-one can serve two masters....’ Aug 18, 1948 544  Print view
4526 Decision between spiritual and earthly world.... Dec 28, 1948 83  Print view
7222 Earthly or spiritual thought currents.... Dec 6, 1958 561  Print view
Dangers of the earthly world
1854 This document has not yet been translated      
4843 Swirl of the world.... (Rose Monday) Feb 20, 1950 103  Print view
6447 Hoarding the matter.... stimulating the opponent.... Jan 8, 1956 766  Print view
6556 The world poses great dangers.... May 28, 1956 811  Print view
Transience of earthly
0671 Worthlessness and transience of earthly possessions.... Nov 16, 1938 694  Print view
5100 Matter.... Loss of earthly possessions.... Free will.... Apr 6, 1951 625  Print view
7004 Serious reference to the end and transience of the earthly.... Dec 27, 1957 382  Print view
7219 Transience of the earthly.... disasters - misfortunes.... Dec 1, 1958 370  Print view
Consequences of the material greed at the death and in beyond
1896 This document has not yet been translated      
1741 This document has not yet been translated      
1956 This document has not yet been translated      
7290 Overcoming the gulf in the beyond: Jesus Christ.... Feb 22, 1959 1078  Print view
8318 Transience of the earthly.... Intercession for souls.... Nov 2, 1962 404  Print view
5825 No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage to the world.... Dec 13, 1953 1259  Print view
Detach from the material world
6968 'Seek ye first the kingdom of God....' Nov 14, 1957 564  Print view
2551 This document has not yet been translated      
3821 Urgent admonition to detach from matter.... Jul 9, 1946 779  Print view
4881 Acquiring spiritual goods.... earthly activity.... idleness.... Apr 18, 1950 109  Print view
7344 Everlasting battle against the world.... Apr 23, 1959 768  Print view
7363 Overcoming the world.... spiritual work.... May 14, 1959 520  Print view
8471 Attainment of sonship with God requires detachment from the world.... Apr 18, 1963 702  Print view
Self-conquest by charity
2802 This document has not yet been translated      
3213a Self-overcoming.... strengthened will.... Christ's act of salvation.... Aug 4, 1944 46  Print view
3213b Self-overcoming.... strengthened will.... Christ's act of salvation.... Aug 6, 1944 45  Print view
1127 Renunciation in favour of others.... charity.... Oct 5, 1939 6  Print view
5849 Love commandments.... overcoming self-love.... Jan 9, 1954 133  Print view
7819 Worldly pleasures?.... Feb 7, 1961 586  Print view
Spiritual union with God through prayer
1619 This document has not yet been translated      
2176 This document has not yet been translated      
3968 Turning inwards.... Detachment from the world and its matter.... Achievement of truth.... Feb 5, 1947 915  Print view
Power to overcome the world through God's word and dedication of the will
4535 Feeding the soul.... God's care for the earthly.... Jan 10, 1949 85  Print view
6775 Power effect of the word.... lord over matter.... Mar 4, 1957 382  Print view
7003 God's influx of power requires devotion.... Dec 26, 1957 390  Print view
7334 Total surrender to God.... Apr 13, 1959 518  Print view
7359 'The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....' May 9, 1959 557  Print view
7361 'The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....' II. May 12, 1959 540  Print view
7560 To the worldlings.... Mar 27, 1960 662  Print view
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