119 Trinity

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
1472 Exploring the God Being God's Will.... Seek and ye shall find.... Jun 15, 1940 393  Print view
7659 Creation evidence of an essential Deity.... Jul 29, 1960 374  Print view
Nature of God
2288 This document has not yet been translated      
2539 This document has not yet been translated      
7860 Love, wisdom and power of God.... Mar 29, 1961 356  Print view
6641 The being of God.... Sep 10, 1956 410  Print view
Jesus Christ is God
7511 Understanding spiritual problems.... incarnation.... Jan 30, 1960 365  Print view
7731 God's human manifestation in Jesus.... Oct 27, 1960 573  Print view
8263 "God sent His son to earth.... " Sep 3, 1962 871  Print view
2452 This document has not yet been translated      
3465 "My father and I are one...." Mar 31, 1945 61  Print view
3621 ‘Whoever sees Me sees the Father....’ Dec 6, 1945 603  Print view
7001 The Christ-Problem.... Trinity.... Dec 24, 1957 417  Print view
8250 God and Jesus are one.... Human manifestation of God.... Aug 24, 1962 1570  Print view
0662 The eternal Trinity.... Nov 11, 1938 475  Print view
0930 Mystery of the trinity.... God the father.... God the son.... May 26, 1939 191  Print view
2056 This document has not yet been translated      
4484 The doctrine of the Trinity of God.... Nov 11, 1948 592  Print view
5389 Misguided teaching about the Trinity.... May 11, 1952 600  Print view
7117 The problem of the Trinity.... May 11, 1958 781  Print view
8674 Calling upon the 'Holy Spirit'.... Nov 15, 1963 872  Print view
Aim in life: union with God
5577 God's spirit in the man Jesus.... following.... Jan 14, 1953 318  Print view
1138 Union with God.... Oct 15, 1939 4  Print view
2129 This document has not yet been translated      
8973 Faith and love lead to unification with God.... May 9, 1965 791  Print view
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