2334 Teaching activity....
May 13, 1942: Book 32
The gift of teaching must be sincerely prayed for, for the will to carry out this teaching activity is the first condition and must be manifested through heartfelt prayer to God. The teacher must be specially trained for his task, i.e. a person cannot carry out this activity arbitrarily.... Every person can certainly preach love to his fellow human being and urge him to lead a right way of life, but in order to be able to teach his fellow human being, the person himself must first have been introduced to a knowledge which he can now pass on. And this knowledge encompasses many areas which are again closely connected with each other but which people do not recognize. It also requires a well-developed intellectual thinking in order to find any connection and to be able to utilize the knowledge accordingly. For the world will only ever want to accept what is a worldly product, i.e. what has been gained through research and pondering. However, this does not always correspond to the truth, and if the truth is to be spread, then well-trained forces must be able to refute what is not the truth. They must be able to explain the connection between all things logically and clearly, and in order to be able to do this, they must be in contact with the giver of truth himself, because otherwise they cannot prove the correctness of their teachings.... They must not build on existing spiritual knowledge, as this can also be doubted, but must have their knowledge from the ground up from a source that remains inviolable even for doubters and mockers. However, they must not be forcibly guided into knowledge either, instead they must have acquired it entirely of their own free will so that people shall recognize what they are capable of through the correct use of their free will.... And therefore heartfelt prayer must also precede it and God must be assured of the willingness to be active for the spiritual well-being of fellow human beings.... Such a will and the prayer for strength now also results in a planned teaching. Knowledge is made accessible to the human being which he must first acquire himself, i.e. which he must incorporate into his thoughts in order to be able to apply it at any time when he needs it. The gift of teaching is also a gift of grace from God, for it requires a sharp memory, lightning-fast comprehension and logical thinking.... But where the will is expressed for this teaching activity out of love for fellow human beings, God bestows this gift and the human being will now be able to carry out this activity, he will be enabled by God to carry out an extraordinarily important task, for the truth shall thereby be spread on earth.... the meaning and purpose of creation shall become clear to those who cannot blindly believe, the human being's task on earth shall be understandable to them and they shall have the opportunity to can believe if they want to, as soon as they study the teachings in depth which are now offered to them through an instrument of God. The intellect should also be allowed to be active, and therefore the truth has to be offered to people in such a way that the thinking person can also become convinced that what is offered is the truth. And this is only possible if the context of all things can be explained to him, which again is only possible through a person who has been instructed by God himself for the very purpose of being able to have an enlightening effect. And all prior knowledge must be eliminated, for even where truth is advocated, error is also currently being taught, since God's adversary found fertile ground everywhere for the seed he wanted to sow amongst humanity.... And people are unable to separate truth from error without the help of the divine spirit.... Consequently, they should surrender what they possess and receive the pure truth in an unbiased way, which God sends to humanity once again....
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