90/2 Workers In The Vineyard Of Jesus – God As A Teacher

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6048 "Carry My gospel out...." Sep 12, 1954 134  Print view
Vineyard workers must be taught by God
3188 Conditions for teaching activity.... Jul 11, 1944 38  Print view
4480 "You must be taught by God...." Nov 7, 1948 96  Print view
God as a teacher
3987 God as Mentor.... He allows Himself to be found.... Feb 28, 1947 562  Print view
4666 God as teacher.... truth bearer.... Jun 12, 1949 113  Print view
6863 The disciples were also taught by God.... Jul 2, 1957 365  Print view
Training for teachers
5374 Instruction for teaching ministry by God Himself.... Mission.... Apr 24, 1952 365  Print view
5439 The training of teachers by God Himself.... Servants.... Jul 15, 1952 116  Print view
6119 Right vineyard work.... education for this.... Nov 25, 1954 163  Print view
8749 A teacher gets educated by Myself.... Feb 10, 1964 797  Print view
God as a teacher by light beings
4093 Spiritual conversations influence of light beings.... Jul 29, 1947 63  Print view
4621 No partial knowledge.... light beings as teachers.... only truth.... Apr 23, 1949 113  Print view
4863 Training of teachers directly or through light beings.... Mar 23, 1950 115  Print view
5002 Light beings embodied as human beings .... Disciples of the last days .... Nov 19, 1950 590  Print view
5425 This document has not yet been translated      
6188 "Taught by God...." good teachers.... Feb 13, 1955 137  Print view
8720 Light beings help vineyard workers.... Jan 9, 1964 414  Print view
God as a teacher through mediators
4113 God as teacher also through mediators.... Aug 28, 1947 61  Print view
4114 God as teacher also through mediators.... Aug 30, 1947 66  Print view
4659 Radiance of God.... instruction from within.... gift of speech.... Jun 5, 1949 107  Print view
4763 Spiritual seers.... teacher and adviser oft he fellow human beings.... Oct 22, 1949 107  Print view
8225 Complete instruction.... Jul 27, 1962 386  Print view
Right teachers
2334 This document has not yet been translated      
2385 This document has not yet been translated      
3175 This document has not yet been translated      
3730 Gift of teaching.... Teaching ministry.... Mar 30, 1946 527  Print view
4534 The right kind of teacher.... Truth - Error.... Jan 7, 1949 522  Print view
4656 Instrument of God.... holding up the errors right of the disciples.... Jun 2, 1949 98  Print view
4855 The right to teach.... holy office.... Mar 11, 1950 112  Print view
4859 Teachings in compulsion.... love in free will.... (cath.!) Mar 15, 1950 111  Print view
5140 Teachability.... spiritual work.... love.... truth.... May 30, 1951 145  Print view
5150 Whoever is taught by God requires no further external knowledge.... Jun 13, 1951 738  Print view
6728 A teacher’s duty: to examine teaching material.... Jan 4, 1957 909  Print view
7022 "What is given to you at this hour, speak...." Jan 21, 1958 376  Print view
3731 Teaching activity in times of adversity – Last days .... Mar 31, 1946 542  Print view
4586 God's involvement in the work for His kingdom.... self-will - God's will.... Mar 12, 1949 102  Print view
6736 Labourers for God's kingdom.... Jesus Christ.... Jan 14, 1957 528  Print view
4785 Followers of Jesus.... spreading His teaching.... working of the spirit.... Nov 21, 1949 165  Print view
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