5459 "Watch and pray...."

August 11, 1952: Book 60

Words of love also have the divine spirit in them. That is why you may accept everything as good which lets you recognise love. However, you must nevertheless scrutinise the origin of these words and not blindly assume a divine origin, since such a belief can easily lead to error. Therefore test everything and keep the best, and ask your heart what it says about it, for the heart will not deceive you if you earnestly desire to stand in the truth:

You will certainly also receive admonitions from the kingdom on the other side, because the beings of light regard you as their co-workers and the souls you want to help also take an interest in your fate on earth, for even more mature souls are able to foresee and urge you to pay attention in order to avert disaster for you at the same time, yet they do not know the day and hour since their concept of time is unclear to them. Yet they will not deliberately misinform you, for they love you and only want to do you good. That is why they will not be hindered when they want to warn you because their will is good. But you humans should always be vigilant, you should not walk blindly and you should remain connected to God.... But then you will also go your way peacefully despite earthly hardship, for it will affect you less the more you are connected to the One Who alone can help you. Furthermore, it is good for you if you pay attention to everything that can cause you unrest.... Watch and pray.... For you are always in danger of being oppressed by the tempter. But to watch means to always be on the lookout to see if the enemy is approaching you, to be vigilant means not to put yourselves in danger, to recognise the danger in good time and to avoid it.... Something often seems insignificant and yet can have serious consequences; it can be a real danger for you if you do not watch and pray for protection and help. For the enemy of your soul lays snares to catch you, and the unwary, the gullible and the reckless fall into them and become his prey.... Therefore watch and pray, lest you fall into temptation.... Satan's power is great, but God's love is even greater, and it applies to all those who are sincere and of good will and humbly ask for His Mercy. Then no disaster will happen, He will protect them earthly and spiritually and save them from temporal and eternal destruction, and the beings in the beyond will also intervene to help if they know that their protégés are in need....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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