71/3 Jesus Says.... "Watch And Pray!“

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
4595 Presence of God.... voice of the father.... right children.... Mar 24, 1949 109  Print view
8467 Where do the temptations go out?.... Apr 14, 1963 371  Print view
1580 Influence by the prince of lies on people's thinking.... Aug 24, 1940 1011  Print view
3191 The adversary’s mask.... Jul 16, 1944 787  Print view
3369 Striving of the adversary of God to alienate people from Him.... Dec 16, 1944 56  Print view
5677 False Christs and prophets.... Satan's mask.... May 16, 1953 599  Print view
6639 Soft light.... Deceptive light.... (Sensationalism.... ) Sep 8, 1956 779  Print view
7315 The adversary's temptations by means of worldly enticements.... Mar 24, 1959 731  Print view
4684 Power of satan.... "Watch and pray...." Jul 8, 1949 100  Print view
7056 Jesus' battle against temptations.... Mar 5, 1958 756  Print view
5459 "Watch and pray.... " Constant temptations.... Aug 11, 1952 122  Print view
2895 This document has not yet been translated      
3290 Temptations of the world.... Oct 12, 1944 55  Print view
3684 Temptations.... Feb 12, 1946 72  Print view
3696 Violation of eternal law.... Temptations.... Feb 24, 1946 384  Print view
5663 Mental disorders - temptations.... patience.... Apr 30, 1953 146  Print view
5701 ‘Test the spirits....’ False Christs and prophets.... Jun 19, 1953 568  Print view
8290 False Christs and prophets.... Oct 3, 1962 667  Print view
6545 Spiritual strivers are particularly harassed.... May 14, 1956 363  Print view
5297 Watch and pray.... God's protection against evil forces.... Jan 16, 1952 155  Print view
6118 The spirit of love protects against temptations and God's adversary.... Nov 24, 1954 791  Print view
8520 God's protection from the adversary's temptations.... Jun 6, 1963 557  Print view
0954 "Watch and pray...." temptations.... Jun 8, 1939 184  Print view
1368 This document has not yet been translated      
3285 Prayer and deeds of love are weapons against temptations.... Oct 8, 1944 558  Print view
4344 Temptations of satan.... God's protection.... Jun 21, 1948 104  Print view
4985 'Deliver us from evil....' Oct 19, 1950 801  Print view
6959 Increasing temptations.... intimate prayer.... power of the word.... Nov 1, 1957 733  Print view
6972 Call of Jesus Christ in temptations and hardships through the adversary.... Nov 19, 1957 363  Print view
4662 'Watch and pray, lest ye enter into temptation....' Jun 9, 1949 876  Print view
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