70/2 Return to God Part 2

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
Our future - Indications of the end time
8535 The Revelation of John.... Jun 20, 1963 412  Print view
6936 Statements by seers and prophets.... Oct 5, 1957 943  Print view
7203 Rejection of the divine Word in spiritual arrogance.... Nov 6, 1958 580  Print view
8691 The adversary's activity will not be prevented.... Dec 3, 1963 749  Print view
7672 Vast distance from God.... End.... Aug 12, 1960 411  Print view
7549 Disbelief in an end.... Mar 15, 1960 910  Print view
The end of a period of redemption
8085 Predetermined intervals of time as periods of Salvation.... Jan 22, 1962 600  Print view
8345 New redemption period.... Dec 2, 1962 942  Print view
8387 Indication of the many adversities before the end.... Jan 20, 1963 550  Print view
8717 Further indication of disasters and war.... Jan 6, 1964 1335  Print view
Human interference in nature's ecological system
6855 Pollution of air - water - food.... Jun 23, 1957 1143  Print view
1888 Decline of vegetation.... Storms - Tempests.... Apr 14, 1941 1152  Print view
7423 Only God is Lord of creation.... Star.... Oct 5, 1959 1139  Print view
8457 Only God is Ruler of the universe.... Apr 3, 1963 991  Print view
People's spiritual decline
6588 Logical reasons for world events.... Jul 5, 1956 399  Print view
8026 Spiritual low level is the reason for the disintegration.... Oct 25, 1961 932  Print view
8277 Signs of the last days.... Sep 20, 1962 773  Print view
World conflagration
1103 Deposing the earthly power.... Sep 21, 1939 770  Print view
4001 Prediction.... Apparent burying of the hatchet.... Last phase.... Mar 17, 1947 997  Print view
6970 Calm before the storm.... Illusion of peace.... Nov 16, 1957 1671  Print view
4493 Death of a worldly ruler.... Turn of events.... Nov 23, 1948 1489  Print view
The situation prior to the natural disaster
8104 Reason for the catastrophe.... Feb 17, 1962 758  Print view
2340 Divine justice.... Intervention.... Disaster.... May 19, 1942 755  Print view
8781 Cosmic changes.... Mar 16, 1964 1002  Print view
4359 Luminous phenomenon before the catastrophe.... Jul 1, 1948 762  Print view
1153 Natural phenomena.... Temperature.... Star.... Predictions.... Oct 30, 1939 762  Print view
4371 Signs before the catastrophe (Anxiety of people and animals).... Jul 11, 1948 945  Print view
The natural disaster
6405 Changes in the constellations.... Nov 18, 1955 887  Print view
6324 Approach of a star.... Aug 3, 1955 1686  Print view
1081 Cloud formation in the sky.... Christ's suffering and death.... Sep 4, 1939 742  Print view
3571 My voice will resound from above.... Oct 8, 1945 542  Print view
1538 Sequence of the catastrophic event.... Jul 25, 1940 1287  Print view
8549 Gathering strength ahead of the chaos.... Jul 5, 1963 883  Print view
The consequences of natural disaster
4633 People's fear.... Natural disaster and its consequences.... May 10, 1949 1167  Print view
8619 Chaos after the intervention.... Sep 17, 1963 939  Print view
3709 The servants' mission on earth after the natural disaster.... Mar 10, 1946 1073  Print view
7331 God's exceptional help after the natural disaster.... Apr 10, 1959 521  Print view
3964 Prediction of a swiftly approaching end.... Weak faith therein.... Jan 29, 1947 751  Print view
Revelation 8: 6-12
2388a Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adversity.... Jun 29, 1942 397  Print view
2388b Forthcoming event.... God's intervention.... Time of adversity.... Jun 29, 1942 380  Print view
6590 World event.... Natural disaster.... Battle of faith.... Jul 8, 1956 736  Print view
The antichrist
3672 Antichrist.... End.... Jan 31, 1946 1587  Print view
4947 Antichrist.... The faith is in danger.... Aug 6, 1950 699  Print view
8365 The adversary's onslaughts in the last days.... Dec 29, 1962 1075  Print view
The battle of faith and the forerunner of Christ
6758 Battle of faith - Antichrist.... Feb 10, 1957 1565  Print view
4878 Jesus' forerunner at the end.... Apr 13, 1950 1119  Print view
8815 Forerunner.... Jun 19, 1964 769  Print view
4635 Battle of faith.... Publicly professing Christ.... 'I will shorten the days....' May 11, 1949 1086  Print view
6619 Justification before a court.... Public testimony.... Aug 12, 1956 734  Print view
3947 Unification of different schools of thought during the battle of faith.... Dec 29, 1946 1082  Print view
7954 God's protection in the battle of faith.... Aug 1, 1961 875  Print view
The spiritual low level before the end
3805 Spiritual low level.... The end of a Salvation period.... Jun 19, 1946 397  Print view
4374 The Flood.... Last days.... Worldly progress.... Jul 13, 1948 1079  Print view
6629 Final rescue attempts.... People's low level.... Aug 27, 1956 380  Print view
Jesus' visible appearance and the believers' rapture
7944 Coming in the clouds.... Jul 18, 1961 730  Print view
8743 Explanation about the coming of the Lord.... Feb 3, 1964 748  Print view
3557 Coming in the clouds.... Rapture.... Sep 24, 1945 921  Print view
Human experiments
4708 Irresponsible experiments are the reason for the destruction of earth.... Aug 9, 1949 750  Print view
3950 Reason and forces of earth's disintegration.... (Nuclear energy) Jan 2, 1947 714  Print view
4731 Experiments towards the end of the earth.... Activating forces.... Sep 1, 1949 906  Print view
Last judgement - Disintegration and transformation of earth
8219 'Judging' the souls at the end.... Jul 21, 1962 944  Print view
8112 Purification of Earth.... Feb 28, 1962 712  Print view
3519 End of the world.... Judgment Day.... Aug 22, 1945 730  Print view
7297 Transformation of earth.... Mar 2, 1959 575  Print view
5983 Last Judgment is an act of divine love.... Jun 23, 1954 1099  Print view
Repeated banishment into matter
6828 Reason for the destruction and new creation.... Hell - banishment.... May 12, 1957 700  Print view
8430 New banishment inevitable for the adversary's followers.... Mar 5, 1963 1029  Print view
6317 Renewed captivity.... Jul 21, 1955 553  Print view
The new earth
8440 Creation of the new earth in a moment of time.... Mar 16, 1963 600  Print view
5235 Behold, I make all things new....' Oct 14, 1951 857  Print view
8429 Harmonious life on the new earth.... Mar 4, 1963 1034  Print view
5743 Witnesses to the end on the new earth for descendants.... Aug 9, 1953 1026  Print view
4125 Last Judgment.... Spiritualization of earth.... Sep 16, 1947 370  Print view
6882 End Prophecies.... Are you My Own?.... Jul 30, 1957 881  Print view
Destiny - Death - Connection to the spiritual kingdom
7146 Every soul starts its earthly progress consciously.... Jun 17, 1958 562  Print view
6993 God's ways are not always people's ways.... Dec 14, 1957 897  Print view
7928 Reason for painful strokes of fate.... Jun 26, 1961 1304  Print view
7972 Decision by predestined guidance or experience.... Aug 20, 1961 949  Print view
6289 Controller of fate.... God of love.... Jun 20, 1955 379  Print view
6290 Strokes of fate.... Remedies.... Jun 21, 1955 1274  Print view
4296 Destiny.... 'Father, Your will be done....' May 11, 1948 918  Print view
Painful strokes of fate
5141 Unjustified objection, being destined to be evil.... May 31, 1951 787  Print view
5503 Loss of earthly possessions can result in spiritual treasures.... Oct 10, 1952 566  Print view
8653 Diseases and cure.... Oct 23, 1963 1102  Print view
1602 Moods.... Depressions.... Evidence of love.... Sep 8, 1940 395  Print view
6419 Possession.... Dec 8, 1955 595  Print view
8273 Reason for deformed births.... Sep 15, 1962 785  Print view
0839 Blessing of deformity.... Mar 31, 1939 620  Print view
6005 Arbitrarily taking one's own life.... Jul 19, 1954 935  Print view
8772 The early death of children.... Mar 7, 1964 1290  Print view
3260 Early death.... God's mercy.... Old age.... Sep 18, 1944 1089  Print view
7543 Comforting Words.... Mar 9, 1960 392  Print view
Continuation of life after death
8059 Belief in the soul's continuation of life.... Dec 9, 1961 753  Print view
1874a Immortality of the soul.... Apr 4, 1941 777  Print view
1874b Immortality of the soul.... Apr 4, 1941 772  Print view
6439 Consider the end.... Dec 30, 1955 919  Print view
6616 Fear of death.... Aug 8, 1956 902  Print view
6637 Fear of dying.... Beholding the spiritual kingdom before death.... Sep 6, 1956 907  Print view
7161 Nothing can cease to exist.... Gate of death.... True home.... Jul 7, 1958 390  Print view
6817 The soul's change of abode.... Death of the body.... Apr 28, 1957 1086  Print view
4033 Hour of death.... Explanation of suffering.... Apr 30, 1947 1491  Print view
6042 Hour of death without fear.... Readiness.... Sep 4, 1954 541  Print view
6920 The souls' fate in the beyond.... Sep 16, 1957 377  Print view
5180 Serious admonition to consider the life after death.... Jul 29, 1951 576  Print view
The connection between earth and the beyond
5640 The bridge into the spiritual kingdom.... Jesus.... Mar 30, 1953 396  Print view
6682 Contact with the spiritual kingdom.... Nov 1, 1956 554  Print view
3628 Thoughts from the spiritual kingdom.... Dec 16, 1945 376  Print view
Beings of light
3354 Mental influence by beings of light.... Dec 3, 1944 564  Print view
6636 Guardian spirit.... Spiritual guides.... Sep 5, 1956 551  Print view
6737 The light beings' methods of rescue.... Jan 15, 1957 895  Print view
7831 About the incarnation of light beings.... Feb 20, 1961 581  Print view
8788 God's adversary in disguise as an angel of light.... Mar 23, 1964 397  Print view
8228 Test the spirits.... Jul 30, 1962 562  Print view
7655 Calling upon beings of light after prayer to God.... Jul 25, 1960 542  Print view
7925 Jesus Christ opened the gate into the kingdom of light.... Jun 23, 1961 408  Print view
Our true home - return
5336 My kingdom is not of this world....' Mar 14, 1952 940  Print view
Entering the spiritual kingdom
7625 God's justice demands atonement.... Jun 18, 1960 556  Print view
3969 Fate in eternity corresponds to will.... Love of matter is wrong.... Feb 6, 1947 407  Print view
8745 The souls' fate after death varies.... Feb 5, 1964 1126  Print view
4488 Heaven and hell.... Nov 17, 1948 578  Print view
The state of darkness in the spiritual kingdom
3952 The souls' state of darkness in the beyond and help by beings of light.... Jan 4, 1947 556  Print view
1589 Involuntarily premature deceased people.... Beyond.... Aug 31, 1940 405  Print view
1951 Suicide.... Fate in the beyond.... Jun 13, 1941 582  Print view
8224 The souls' agonising fate in the beyond.... Jul 26, 1962 371  Print view
Eternal damnation and re-incarnation are misguided teachings
6019 Concept of eternity.... Perfection.... Aug 10, 1954 580  Print view
4602 Eternal damnation.... Mar 30, 1949 547  Print view
8443 Nothing will remain unredeemed forever.... Mar 20, 1963 599  Print view
7096 Do not forfeit your eternal life.... Apr 18, 1958 1029  Print view
8495 Explanation about re-incarnation.... Jesus and Salvation.... May 13, 1963 605  Print view
4590 Doctrine of re-incarnation.... Misguided teaching.... Celestial bodies.... Mar 17, 1949 934  Print view
The significance of stars
5449 In My Father's house are many mansions....' Jul 26, 1952 1082  Print view
8405 Different kinds of creations correspond to the beings' fall.... Feb 7, 1963 579  Print view
8838 Are the creations of a spiritual or material kind.... Diversity of stars.... Aug 8, 1964 653  Print view
Intercessions for poor souls
6541 The sleep of the soul.... Misguided teaching.... May 6, 1956 906  Print view
9014 Appeals for a gift of strength for the souls of the deceased.... Jul 13, 1965 798  Print view
State of twilight in the spiritual kingdom
7418 State of twilight in the beyond.... Sep 29, 1959 744  Print view
7199 Remorse in the beyond.... Ascent.... Nov 1, 1958 539  Print view
6735 Transference of light in the beyond.... Jan 13, 1957 545  Print view
State of light in the spiritual kingdom - The true home
7404 Kingdom of light.... Jesus Christ.... Sep 5, 1959 577  Print view
8400 The soul's entry into the kingdom of light.... Feb 2, 1963 1096  Print view
5365 Reunion in the beyond in the kingdom of light.... Apr 15, 1952 716  Print view
3670 Spiritual creations.... Beatitude.... 'Eye hath not seen....' Jan 28, 1946 376  Print view
6821 Androgynous beings.... Beyond.... May 2, 1957 387  Print view
6662 Redeeming work in the beyond.... Oct 5, 1956 689  Print view
4871 Union with God - The human being's goal.... Mar 31, 1950 361  Print view
Return into the Father's house
6823 Return to God necessitates sincerity of will.... May 6, 1957 535  Print view
7257 The path of return to God.... Jan 16, 1959 377  Print view
7529 Duration of returning to God.... Feb 23, 1960 390  Print view
5733 Jesus Christ, leader on the right path.... Jul 28, 1953 516  Print view
5314 Love is the key to the spiritual kingdom.... Feb 10, 1952 691  Print view
7455 Jesus, the good Shepherd.... Nov 15, 1959 743  Print view
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