7594 The fall and rise of the being....

May 4, 1960: Book 80

In the beginning the beings were incomparably blissful.... My love shone through them continuously and they felt this illumination as bliss, and they gave themselves to Me in ardent love, for they recognized Me as their God and creator, as the primary source from Whom all bliss emanated. They were perfect and therefore also blissful in abundance. For the perfect felt united with Me, to Whom they were therefore also infinitely devoted. Love filled all these beings, which constantly overflowed from Me into them, was reciprocated and flowed back to Me again. It was the most blissful exchange of strength of love which made both the beings as well as Me endlessly happy.... And this blissful exchange could have lasted for eternities, it need never have stopped if the beings had not changed their will which, as a sign of their divinity, was free and could determine itself. Although the being stood in brightest realization, it was flooded with light, i.e., it knew about everything.... it knew about its outcome, about its destiny.... it possessed all abilities which characterized it as My image. Thus it need not have directed its will wrongly.... But My opposite pole had an effect on the being, My first-created being, which had likewise detached itself from Me in free will and now stood opposite Me as an opposite pole with a completely wrong will. And many beings joined this opposite pole because they were able to see it, whereas I remained an inscrutable God for them. And their bliss was thereby impaired, i.e., due to their wrong will they resisted My illumination of love and consequently were no longer able to feel the bliss which initially made them overjoyed. But I did not prevent them, I allowed them to distance themselves ever further from Me because I knew that one day I would win them back again and then I would be able to provide them with even greater bliss than before. My love knows no limits, and therefore the happiness through My love must also be limitless, it must be able to constantly increase, the ray of love must be able to have an ever greater effect and therefore the bliss must also increase infinitely.... But this also requires creatures which can tolerate such an illumination of love.... it demands that My creatures increase their perfection in free will by shaping themselves into My children.... a work which cannot be accomplished by Me, only by themselves, because free will is required for this. And My 'children' will now also be able to endure such illumination of love, they will constantly receive love and radiate it like Me, and therefore they will also be allowed to be incomparably blissful, and their beatitude will never find a limit. The being which is love in itself cannot help but give love and make it happy.... My fundamental nature is love, and I would not be God if I were not constantly moved by the strength of love into new creations, for I want to make people happy and everything only contributes towards eternal happiness for the beings once created by Me. And thus all beings which are full of love are also moved by an immense creative urge to create and shape new creations, for they receive the strength from Me to do so because love constantly permeates them and love is the strength which can create and create. But My strength of love can only radiate through a being if it has become love itself, if it has accepted My original being again in which it originally stood. But that it re-enters this original state is and remains My constant aim, which I will also achieve one day. And then the beatitudes I prepare for the being which has become My child and returned to Me for eternity will also be unlimited...._>Amen

Translated by: Doris Boekers

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