7452 Error and truth among humanity....

November 10, 1959: Book 78

You have to take a great leap if you want to free yourselves from all error which, spiritually speaking, has ensnared you humans. You all move very little in the truth unless you are taught by the spirit within you which introduces you to the truth, as I have promised you. Yet without spiritual activity little truth can be found; people live in a way of thinking which gives room to much error, because far more error is widespread on earth and few only make an effort to escape it for the sake of pure truth. Even where truth exists it is not recognized as such and therefore not striven for, but any error is gladly accepted without hesitation. And from this you can already see that the masses are mostly addicted to error because they accept it more easily, whereas the number of truth seekers is only small. We are talking here about 'the truth' which should fill the human being's spiritual thinking; we are talking about knowledge which extends over spiritual things and worlds, which cannot be fathomed intellectually and therefore cannot be taught like any other worldly knowledge, which can be transferred from person to person and substantiated with evidence and therefore can also be taught in a school. Everything that can mentally move the human being outside of the earthly remains a matter of the individual's heart, he can form a picture of it according to his own discretion, whereby heart and intellect have to work together in order to come to a truthful result. For there is a truth which, however, the heart can fathom more than the intellect, although the intellect must also be involved in order to be able to spread the recognized truth as such. But first the heart has to come to terms with it, for only those whose hearts are willing to love will possess the truth.... Love and truth cannot be separated from each other, and this is also the explanation why little truth is to be found amongst humanity, whereas error and lies are far more prevalent. People's hearts have become so cold, they have little willingness to love and therefore their hearts are devoid of love, and a heart devoid of love is neither able to recognize nor grasp the truth. Such a heart also does not desire truth, which, as divine, contradicts the nature of a person without love.... And thus humanity moves in a thicket of erroneous teachings about its actual purpose, about the beginning and aim of the human being and about its relationship to a God and creator.... No doctrine which corresponds to the truth is accepted, on the other hand many assumptions are made, so that everyone can form a different opinion which he now holds without, however, being inwardly convinced of it. And the spiritual blindness increases the closer it gets to the end; less and less respect is paid to what is conveyed to people as 'truth' and more and more access is granted to misguided teachings, and it has become almost impossible to kindle a light by which everyone could warm up and illuminate their darkness.... everything is rejected and only that which belongs to the world is respected, and soon there is no more solution to free people from their dark spiritual state than a total shaking of their thinking through unusual events.... But even these will only be partially successful, for people in darkness don't want light, and in compulsion they cannot become enlightened. But the light of truth will nevertheless break through one day, only then it will be too late for many who are surprised by the night.... For the light only shines as long as it is day.... And one day night will come upon the people who flee all light....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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