Book 78


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
7328 The disciples' doubts after Jesus' arrest.... Apr 7, 1959 367 Print
7329 God's presence protects against the adversary.... Apr 8, 1959 514 Print
7330 There is no redemption of guilt without Jesus Christ.... Apr 9, 1959 921 Print
7331 God's exceptional help after the natural disaster.... Apr 10, 1959 521 Print
7332 God's presence and help requires conscious commitment.... Apr 11, 1959 688 Print
7333 God, love and truth are one.... Apr 12, 1959 201 Print
7334 Total surrender to God.... Apr 13, 1959 518 Print
7335 Mental blindness.... Apr 14, 1959 181 Print
7336 Dwelling of God in the heart.... childhood of God.... Apr 15, 1959 716 Print
7337 Recovery of divine qualities through love.... Apr 16, 1959 191 Print
7338 Help of the spiritual beings to perfection.... Apr 17, 1959 572 Print
7339 Dialogue.... Forerunner.... Apr 17, 1959 383 Print
7340 Bondage of divine love.... freedom from the adversary.... Apr 18, 1959 529 Print
7341 Spiritual exchange.... "Where two or three...." Apr 19, 1959 187 Print
7342 Becoming one with God through love.... Apr 20, 1959 375 Print
7343 The soul’s continuation of life after death.... Apr 22, 1959 802 Print
7344 Everlasting battle against the world.... Apr 23, 1959 768 Print
7345 Value of intercession for the otherworldly.... Apr 24, 1959 397 Print
7346 Right thinking is working of the spirit.... love.... Apr 25, 1959 181 Print
7347 The pure teachings of Christ.... Apr 27, 1959 197 Print
7348 Free will.... Opportunity for ascent.... Apr 28, 1959 549 Print
7349 Vineyard work must be done in love.... Apr 29, 1959 194 Print
7350 Living faith.... Apr 30, 1959 198 Print
7351 Change of character into love.... God´s presence.... May 1, 1959 762 Print
7352 "He who believes in Me...." May 2, 1959 896 Print
7353 God's infinite Fatherly love.... May 3, 1959 531 Print
7354 Agonizing way before being human.... May 4, 1959 382 Print
7355 Effect of the strength of love.... May 5, 1959 363 Print
7356 Constantly calling upon Jesus ensures His presence .... May 6, 1959 592 Print
7357 God's eternal plan of salvation is being carried out.... May 7, 1959 348 Print
7358 Jesus' Ascension.... May 8, 1959 348 Print
7359 'The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....' May 9, 1959 557 Print
7360 Purification of the soul through love.... May 10, 1959 559 Print
7361 'The kingdom of heaven suffereth violence....' II. May 12, 1959 540 Print
7362 Refreshment for the soul.... May 13, 1959 200 Print
7363 Overcoming the world.... spiritual work.... May 14, 1959 520 Print
7364 Admonition regarding the end.... May 16, 1959 728 Print
7365 The outpouring of the spirit.... May 17, 1959 370 Print
7366 Effect oft the divine word from above.... May 18, 1959 179 Print
7367 Purifying the heart.... May 19, 1959 1085 Print
7368 Harmful consequences of misguided teachings.... May 20, 1959 424 Print
7369 Redemption requires free will.... May 22, 1959 582 Print
7370 Free will and self-awareness.... May 23, 1959 373 Print
7371 Assurance of God's help in time of need.... May 24, 1959 345 Print
7372a Experiments.... Work of destruction.... May 25, 1959 517 Print
7372b Experiments.... Work of destruction.... May 26, 1959 345 Print
7373 World turnaround is inevitable.... Jun 14, 1959 192 Print
7374 Grace of truth.... Jun 21, 1959 189 Print
7375 John 14, 21 'He that hath My commandments....' Jun 23, 1959 723 Print
7376 God wants to be the subject of our thoughts.... Jun 27, 1959 571 Print
7377 Bond with God.... Jun 29, 1959 499 Print
7378 Spiritual comfort.... Jun 30, 1959 541 Print
7379 Spiritual wealth in the afterlife.... power.... Jul 5, 1959 541 Print
7380 The being's re-transformation.... Jul 7, 1959 549 Print
7381 Commemoration of the death of Jesus on the cross.... Jul 14, 1959 192 Print
7382 Redeemer work in the afterlife.... Jul 15, 1959 192 Print
7383 The right church of Christ.... Jul 17, 1959 194 Print
7384 Rationale for addressing God.... Aug 2, 1959 359 Print
7385 The most holy name of Jesus.... redemption.... Aug 4, 1959 192 Print
7386 Great work of redemption in the beyond.... Jesus Christ.... Aug 5, 1959 409 Print
7387 Intercession for souls in the deep.... Aug 7, 1959 553 Print
7388 Banishing the demons.... warding them off.... Aug 9, 1959 543 Print
7389 False Christs and prophets.... Apparitions of Mary.... Aug 12, 1959 225 Print
7390 Concluding a period of Salvation.... Aug 15, 1959 785 Print
7391 Law of the eternal order.... embodied light beings.... Aug 18, 1959 553 Print
7392 Genuine prophecy.... Aug 19, 1959 403 Print
7393 Dark sites.... guidance by the spirit.... Aug 20, 1959 178 Print
7394 Becoming free from the lord of the world.... matter.... Aug 21, 1959 177 Print
7395 About the inner word.... pure gospel.... Aug 22, 1959 173 Print
7396 Redeemer work on souls beyond.... Aug 24, 1959 173 Print
7397 Notice on great time of need.... Aug 25, 1959 236 Print
7398 Jesus Christ is the gate into the kingdom of light .... Aug 26, 1959 759 Print
7399 Cause for the entire creation.... Lucifer's fall.... Aug 27, 1959 419 Print
7400 The free will of man Jesus.... Aug 29, 1959 223 Print
7401 Frugality.... Aug 30, 1959 554 Print
7402 Forwarding the power from God.... Sep 1, 1959 184 Print
7403 The last judgment.... Sep 3, 1959 712 Print
7404 Kingdom of light.... Jesus Christ.... Sep 5, 1959 577 Print
7405 Announcement of a star.... Sep 5, 1959 937 Print
7406 Evaluating grace.... Sep 11, 1959 181 Print
7407 Promise of God's protection in the end time.... Sep 12, 1959 371 Print
7408 Reaching the primal state.... love.... childhood of God.... Sep 13, 1959 179 Print
7409 Divine love doctrine.... humanly issued commandments.... Sep 14, 1959 189 Print
7410 Will and grace.... Sep 17, 1959 190 Print
7411 Compassionate charity.... Sep 18, 1959 743 Print
7412 Transmitted light.... Sep 19, 1959 210 Print
7413 Stage of self-awareness.... Sep 21, 1959 577 Print
7414 Devotion of the child to the father.... Sep 23, 1959 555 Print
7415 Earthly knowledge is worthless in the beyond.... Wisdom.... Sep 24, 1959 197 Print
7416 Love is the most important thing.... Sep 26, 1959 347 Print
7417 Undoubting trust in God.... Sep 27, 1959 564 Print
7418 State of twilight in the beyond.... Sep 29, 1959 744 Print
7419 Wide space in the afterlife.... Sep 30, 1959 385 Print
7420 Life's fate is always good for maturing the soul.... Oct 2, 1959 375 Print
7421 Revelation 16, 18.... Star.... Oct 3, 1959 1195 Print
7422 Just retribution in the beyond.... Oct 4, 1959 364 Print
7423 Only God is Lord of creation.... Star.... Oct 5, 1959 1139 Print
7424 Knowledge of Jesus Christ and His work of redemption.... Oct 8, 1959 186 Print
7425 About the Last Judgment and the new earth.... Oct 9, 1959 1095 Print
7426 The light descended to earth.... Oct 11, 1959 189 Print
7427 Spiritual nourishment at the table of the Lord.... Oct 13, 1959 388 Print
7428 Knowledge through study or through the spirit.... Oct 14, 1959 423 Print
7429 The "living" word.... Oct 16, 1959 179 Print
7430 Ascension requires strength.... love and prayer.... Oct 17, 1959 190 Print
7431 Weak faith.... Oct 18, 1959 193 Print
7432 Sense of good and evil.... Oct 19, 1959 391 Print
7433 "Work while it's still day...." Oct 20, 1959 206 Print
7434 God's will or approval.... Oct 22, 1959 418 Print
7435 Utilisation of the short life time.... Oct 23, 1959 370 Print
7436 Love life.... living faith.... Oct 25, 1959 363 Print
7437 Answer to questions.... Oct 26, 1959 587 Print
7438 Intercession for souls beyond.... Oct 27, 1959 377 Print
7439 Man shall become the overcomer of the world.... Oct 28, 1959 189 Print
7440 The angels' protection in the battle of faith.... Oct 29, 1959 741 Print
7441 Dialogue with the Father.... His Word from above.... Oct 30, 1959 1621 Print
7442 Forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ.... Oct 31, 1959 1008 Print
7443 "Hear My addressl...." Nov 1, 1959 373 Print
7444 Effect of the divine word on otherworldly souls.... Nov 2, 1959 349 Print
7445 Thoughts of death are favourable for the soul.... Nov 3, 1959 714 Print
7446 The spirit of Jesus Christ is love.... God's presence.... Nov 4, 1959 895 Print
7447 Constant help from God.... Nov 5, 1959 184 Print
7448 God demands deliberation.... Nov 6, 1959 740 Print
7449 Impact of the teachings in the afterlife.... Nov 7, 1959 182 Print
7450 The table of the Lord – Communion.... Nov 8, 1959 202 Print
7451 Judgement of the receiver.... Nov 9, 1959 238 Print
7452 Error and truth among humanity.... Nov 10, 1959 178 Print
7453 The spiritual spark in man.... Nov 11, 1959 386 Print
7454 Deification of Jesus.... incarnation of God.... Nov 12, 1959 357 Print
7455 Jesus, the good Shepherd.... Nov 15, 1959 743 Print
7456 Voluntarily fulfilling commandments out of love.... Nov 15, 1959 202 Print
7457 The divine promise: "Seek ye first the kingdom...." Nov 17, 1959 569 Print
7458 Think often about the hour of death.... Nov 18, 1959 441 Print
7459 Fight with the sword of the mouth.... Nov 19, 1959 565 Print
7460 Satan’s work as an angel of light.... (Fatima) Nov 21, 1959 807 Print
7461 Lot of souls without faith and without love in the hereafter.... Nov 22, 1959 719 Print