6953 The spiritual struggle for the will of man....

October 23, 1957: Book 74

Only the one who has decided for God will also follow the path that leads to Him. First of all, the will is necessary to rejoin the highest being, even if the human being knows nothing about his former apostasy from Him. But as soon as he recognizes and acknowledges a God and creator above himself and is urged towards Him, his will will have turned towards Him again from Whom the being once turned away in free will. And then the human being will also receive the strength for the path which leads upwards. But no human being will take this path who has not yet turned to God of his own will. For the path to Him demands self-sacrifice, it demands a conscious work of the soul which no-one undertakes on himself as long as he does not yet strive towards a aim.... For one thing has to be declared, that the human being still belongs to God's adversary as long as his will has not yet decided for God. And the adversary will never tolerate the human being's soul work which contradicts his own fundamental nature, and he will always use his influence for selfish thoughts and actions as long as the human being is still in his possession. But God helps every person whose eyes or thoughts only turn towards Him that his will becomes active and he decides in favour of Him. But then he will also be able to constantly receive strength and his ascent will be assured, for God will never ever leave him to His adversary once he has professed Him. But before that the human being is not only exposed to the influence of God's adversary but his thoughts are also influenced by the world of light, a silent battle is waged for the human being's will, his thoughts are directed from God's adversary to the world while the beings of light try to guide his thoughts into the spiritual kingdom and also fatefully intervene in his life to support their endeavour. But coercion is not used from either side, which is why this battle can often last a very long time before it is decided in favour of one lord or the other. Every person will at times occupy himself with thoughts which lie outside the earthly, but not everyone persists in them for a long time. Very often he resists such thoughts and quickly returns to the realm of the earthly-material world. And this has been defeated by God's adversary, his influence was stronger than that of the beings of light who nevertheless do not give up the fight and again and again try to gain stronger influence over him. Yet some people cannot let go of thoughts of the spiritual world, they keep returning even if the world temporarily captivates them, and these are the ones who feel they belong to a higher being and would also like to establish contact with this being but have not yet found the right contact and therefore have not yet openly expressed their will to God. The beings of light do not work on them in vain, and they also achieve that people themselves send questioning thoughts out into infinity and are now also grasped by the spirit, Which fills infinity, Who then also never lets them go but continues to guide them until they consciously unite with Him, until their will only strives to reach the aim for the purpose of which they live on this earth. Every searching, questioning thought is already a turn of will towards God, which is noticed by the beings of light and now supported in every way. And what does not succeed straight away can nevertheless be successful for once as long as the human being is still undecided, i.e. has not completely surrendered to the adversary so that he stifles every budding thought.... The battle for souls continues until a person's physical death if he has not already decided in favour of God, for God will not give up a soul as long as it lives on earth as a human being. But even the adversary will not rest from harassing souls which have already willingly given themselves to God; only his efforts will remain unsuccessful, for then the human being will no longer be without strength and he will be able to offer resistance because God Himself will help every person who has found the path to Him....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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