6167 Lack of strength is remedied by love....

January 17, 1955: Book 66

You, who are powerless on earth or also in the spiritual kingdom, you can only acquire strength through working in love.... Your will is and remains free, and by virtue of this will you can now also think and want good or evil.... On earth you can now carry out your will because the vitality is still at your disposal.... In the kingdom of the beyond, however, you are completely without strength to carry out evil deeds, and yet an evil will or evil thinking will be detrimental to you because you will harden yourselves more and more and therefore feel ever more powerless. You can just as well want and think good in the kingdom of the beyond, a spark of love can be ignited in you as a result, and you will already feel in possession of strength, even if only to a small extent.... thus have proof that only love ever causes strength, because it is strength itself. But souls which are unable to think a good thought, which are only filled with hatred and thus also want and think, are badly off if they don't find a helper who imparts strength to them through his love, which has such an effect on the soul that it becomes softer and changes its wanting and thinking. And again, it is love which brings help.... which is the only means to bring salvation to the powerless souls in the beyond, which is why an intercession in love for the souls in the abyss is extremely beneficial and also achieves that these souls change.... so that a prayer of love will never be without success and every soul can be redeemed if only it has left people on earth who remember it in love in prayer. Such a prayer does not remain without effect, for in their agonizing state the souls feel every relief, every supply of strength, and they also know who imparts this strength to them, and now they in turn offer love to the benefactor, and a spark of love, however tiny, ignites and spreads.... The same effect can certainly be achieved on earth that a person's love awakens counter-love.... Yet love can also be rejected because the soul's need is not so palpable as long as the body is not excessively plagued by need.... But it is different in the spiritual kingdom where only the soul still feels, and any hardship in the most agonizing way.... Then it does not reject what it feels as a benefit, and then it is also accessible to the teachings which can be mentally offered to it on the part of people.... and then there is also hope for such souls that their situation will improve, that their attitude will change and that they will finally be redeemed.... because love accomplishes everything.... even the release of a soul from darkness....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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