Book 66


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
6078 Blessed vineyard work.... housefather.... care.... Oct 14, 1954 155 Print
6079 God's admonishing voice.... new epoch.... Oct 15, 1954 163 Print
6080 The adversary's influence of will.... Destructions.... Oct 16, 1954 398 Print
6081 Success at the end of an earth-period.... Scientists.... Oct 17, 1954 874 Print
6082 Value of spiritual and earthly knowledge.... Oct 18, 1954 72 Print
6083 Struggle of faith.... deny God.... end.... Oct 19, 1954 220 Print
6084 Serious Words from the heavenly Father.... Physician.... Medicine.... Oct 20, 1954 781 Print
6085 God's help towards attaining beatitude.... Free will.... Oct 21, 1954 408 Print
6086 Earthly task: Fulfilment of the commandments of love.... Oct 22, 1954 608 Print
6087 Original sin.... Emanation of love.... Jesus Christ.... Oct 23, 1954 398 Print
6088 Jesus had prior knowledge of His act.... Oct 24, 1954 580 Print
6089 Fighting with the sword of the tongue.... Oct 25, 1954 603 Print
6090 Divine spark.... Correct relationship with God.... Oct 26, 1954 640 Print
6091 No postponement of the end.... signs and wonders.... Oct 27, 1954 81 Print
6092 Blessing of the divine word on earth and in the beyond.... Oct 28, 1954 78 Print
6093 God's will and work on His servants.... Oct 30, 1954 87 Print
6094 Unfathomable being of God.... Oct 31, 1954 82 Print
6095 Radiance with love power.... resistance.... Nov 1, 1954 86 Print
6096 Earthwalking, act of grace.... return to God.... Nov 2, 1954 160 Print
6097 Increased activity in the vineyard of the lord commanded.... Nov 3, 1954 179 Print
6098 God in Jesus Christ.... Nov 4, 1954 469 Print
6099 Connection with the spiritual realm.... overcoming.... Nov 5, 1954 77 Print
6100 The human being’s destiny.... Desire for truth.... Nov 6, 1954 446 Print
6101 Awakening of the divine spirit spark.... Nov 7, 1954 94 Print
6102 The guise of piety.... Satan's activity.... Nov 8, 1954 417 Print
6103 Hour of reckoning - Judgment.... Retribution.... Nov 9, 1954 552 Print
6104 Utilizing life force to attain spiritual power.... Nov 10, 1954 79 Print
6105 Spiritual and earthly turn forthcoming.... Nov 11, 1954 81 Print
6106 Speedy end.... Fulfilment of the predictions.... Nov 12, 1954 368 Print
6107 Exploiting the last stage.... lot of the soul.... Nov 13, 1954 62 Print
6108 Aim of God: eternal life.... free will.... Nov 14, 1954 157 Print
6109 Questioning thoughts are the first step towards ascent.... Nov 15, 1954 563 Print
6110 Strong faith.... Success.... Love.... Nov 16, 1954 387 Print
6111 'Fear not....' Nov 17, 1954 785 Print
6112 Fight with the sword of the mouth.... Nov 18, 1954 166 Print
6113 Self-criticism: thoughts.... love.... Nov 19, 1954 178 Print
6114 Living creations becoming children of God.... Nov 19, 1954 531 Print
6115 Crossroads.... way up right.... Nov 21, 1954 274 Print
6116 God's reply to thoughts.... Presence.... Nov 22, 1954 588 Print
6117 Rebirth.... Futile life on earth.... Nov 23, 1954 199 Print
6118 The spirit of love protects against temptations and God's adversary.... Nov 24, 1954 791 Print
6119 Right vineyard work.... education for this.... Nov 25, 1954 163 Print
6120 The truth speaks to the heart.... Nov 26, 1954 72 Print
6121 The right amount of selfish love.... 'As yourself....' Nov 27, 1954 817 Print
6122 Promises of glory.... images of the dark kingdom.... Nov 29, 1954 135 Print
6123 God knows all.... truth and appearance.... mask of the adversary.... Nov 30, 1954 138 Print
6124 Words of comfort.... Suffering - Illness.... Connection with God.... Dec 2, 1954 793 Print
6125 Will of resistance to truth (Bible).... Dec 4, 1954 394 Print
6126 Repentance in the hereafter over rejection of the divine word.... Dec 5, 1954 68 Print
6127 Fighting against oneself, desires and overcoming them.... Dec 6, 1954 233 Print
6128 Preaching the gospel to those who need spiritual consolation and to souls in the hereafter.... Dec 7, 1954 150 Print
6129 Preaching the gospel to those who need spiritual consolation and to souls in the hereafter.... Dec 8, 1954 141 Print
6130 Reason for Christ's birth.... Act of mercy.... Dec 9, 1954 590 Print
6131 God's aids before the end.... Dec 10, 1954 65 Print
6132 Problem of the incarnation of God.... love, truth, God.... are one.... Dec 11, 1954 81 Print
6133 God's grant of grace and rejection from man.... Dec 12, 1954 70 Print
6134 Mysterious light phenomena.... Dec 13, 1954 405 Print
6135 'Take this and eat....' Dec 14, 1954 391 Print
6136 Offering the heavenly bread to souls in the beyond.... Dec 15, 1954 433 Print
6137 "Come unto Me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden...." Dec 16, 1954 220 Print
6138 Development process of the spiritual.... Dec 17, 1954 68 Print
6139 "Become like the children...." Dec 18, 1954 66 Print
6140 Living water.... path to the source.... Dec 20, 1954 153 Print
6141 The earnest will achieves the aim.... Dec 21, 1954 128 Print
6142 Endless night lies before mankind.... Jesus Christ.... the light.... Dec 22, 1954 67 Print
6143 Call to Jesus Christ is salvation.... God's word.... Dec 23, 1954 206 Print
6144 Peace to all men of good will.... Dec 24, 1954 364 Print
6145 Jesus heard the Word of God.... Mediator between God and people.... Dec 25, 1954 580 Print
6146 Will determines the measure of grace.... Dec 27, 1954 144 Print
6147 Unusual need - unusual help.... Dec 28, 1954 140 Print
6148 Further development on the new earth.... Dec 29, 1954 139 Print
6149 Patiently bearing the cross.... Dec 30, 1954 536 Print
6150 Law of eternity: love.... divine order.... Dec 31, 1954 143 Print
6151 God's work on people.... Jan 1, 1955 69 Print
6152 Communion.... Jan 2, 1955 73 Print
6153 Complete clarification only from God.... Jan 3, 1954 79 Print
6154 Humility.... arrogance.... Jan 4, 1955 58 Print
6155 There is no eternal damnation.... Jan 5, 1955 280 Print
6156 "Thou shalt not kill...." Jan 6, 1955 137 Print
6157 Intercession for souls in darkness.... Jan 7, 1955 207 Print
6158 Change of nature only from within.... Jan 8, 1955 1273 Print
6159 Direct revelation of God.... Jan 9, 1955 74 Print
6160 To a right servant the judgement of the world shall be worthless.... Jan 10, 1955 145 Print
6161 God only can give the truth.... Jan 11, 1955 69 Print
6162 Excess of grace.... exploiting the same.... Jan 12, 1955 59 Print
6163 Request for grace.... Jan 13, 1955 75 Print
6164 Only connection to God gives strength in the coming time.... Jan 14, 1955 61 Print
6165 Spreading the divine love doctrine important.... Jan 15, 1955 141 Print
6166 Freedom of will.... Divine order.... State of compulsion.... Jan 16, 1955 418 Print
6167 Lack of strength is remedied by love.... Jan 17, 1955 71 Print
6168 Faith in Jesus Christ.... reduced suffering.... Jan 18, 1955 222 Print
6169 Jesus' name defeats the demon.... Jan 19, 1955 796 Print
6170 Inner resistance obstacle to receiving the truth.... Jan 20, 1955 61 Print
6171 Spiritual fare.... perpetrators, not just hearers of the word.... Jan 21, 1955 71 Print
6172 Erecting the barrier between people and God.... Jan 22, 1955 61 Print
6173 God's mercy before the end.... Jan 23, 1955 71 Print
6174 Disbelief in the end.... Jan 24, 1955 122 Print
6175 Life or death.... free will decision.... Jan 25, 1955 64 Print
6176 No one will be blessed without Jesus Christ.... Jan 26, 1955 204 Print
6177 Wide Street.... temptations.... narrow way to the height.... Jan 27, 1955 72 Print
6178 Signs of rampage before the end.... Jan 28, 1955 175 Print
6179 God's references to the transience of earthly goods.... Jan 29, 1955 141 Print
6180 Voluntary return to God in love.... Jan 30, 1955 201 Print
6181 God's father love.... orphans.... Jan 31, 1955 126 Print
6182 Working of the adversary: defence against God's word.... Feb 2, 1955 189 Print
6183 Commandment of love.... Feb 3, 1955 136 Print
6184 Call of the light beings.... executors of God.... Feb 5, 1955 73 Print
6185 The correct use of time on earth.... Feb 6, 1955 193 Print
6186 Power surge through God's address.... Feb 9, 1955 60 Print
6187 End of a redemption period and beginning of a new.... Feb 11, 1955 65 Print
6188 "Taught by God...." good teachers.... Feb 13, 1955 137 Print