3808 Abodes in the Father's house.... Eternal home....

June 22, 1946: Book 48

And I will bring you into My Father's house.... So I have given you this promise you may be happy in the knowledge that one day you will enjoy the delights of eternal life as children of God, for My Word is truth and My promise will be fulfilled if you do My will.... All hardship will come to an end for you, every earthly worry will fall away, and in freedom of spirit, unbound by earthly matter, you will be allowed to dwell in those realms which belong to the kingdom of the blissful spirits and which are exceedingly glorious. On earth you cannot grasp the bliss which is granted to the souls in that kingdom, and yet you should believe My Word and live such that you will be able to move into the Father's heavenly abodes after your passing away on this earth.... the abodes which the Father's love has prepared for His own and which will truly be the abode of those who have become My own through their will and a way of life in love.... Why then do you still worry about your physical well-being if you know that your earthly life is only a short transition to true life in eternity? Only use your earthly life to shape your souls correctly and your fate in the beyond will be incomparably blissful, for you will be given everything your heart desires.... But make sure that the heart's desire is not for the body, because it will pass away, but what remains eternally is only spiritual good, thus desire this with all your heart. Then your soul will dwell in exceedingly beautiful regions, it will move in creations which you would not be able to imagine on earth, and it will be in its home, in the Father's house, where the Father's closeness will make it eternally happy and His love will provide it with everything which will increase its bliss. For My love for you, My children on earth, is immense and I will prepare a blissful life for all of you if you return to Me of your own free will. For there are many abodes in My house and they are all waiting for you so that you can enter them and behold My glories which I have prepared for you. Live on earth with love and My love shall be bestowed upon you in the spiritual kingdom.... Give to your neighbor with love whatever he needs physically or spiritually, and My love shall give to you in the same measure, for as you measure out, so shall it be measured to you in My kingdom. And if you believe in My promise, then the short earthly life that you are still granted, will be bearable for you, despite all hardship, despite whatever is taken from you on earth.... I will consider you a thousand fold in My kingdom if you voluntarily give yourselves to Me and thus detach yourselves from matter in order to receive spiritual possessions.... For the time of your earthly misery is short, but your life in eternity lasts forever, and there will be no end to the bliss in My Father's house....


Translated by: Sven Immecke

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82 The Beatitudes ePub   PDF   Kindle  
145 Jesus' Promises - "Earthly Care And Eternal Life" ePub   PDF   Kindle  
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