145 Jesus' Promises - "Earthly Care And Eternal Life"

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
5370 Tests of faith to fortify belief.... Apr 20, 1952 364  Print view
God's kingdom is not of this world
3466a "My kingdom is not of this world...." Apr 2, 1945 63  Print view
3466b "My kingdom is not of this world...." Apr 3, 1945 62  Print view
4164 "My kingdom is not of this world.... " Nov 12, 1947 64  Print view
5854 Acquiring the spiritual kingdom on earth.... Jan 15, 1954 124  Print view
Look for God’s kingdom first
3226 "Seek ye first the kingdom of God...." Aug 20, 1944 51  Print view
5825 No one will enter the kingdom of heaven who pays homage to the world.... Dec 13, 1953 1259  Print view
6824 'But seek ye first the kingdom of God....' May 7, 1957 563  Print view
7089 'I Am the bread of life, the manna which comes down from Heaven....' Apr 11, 1958 575  Print view
7457 The divine promise: "Seek ye first the kingdom...." Nov 17, 1959 569  Print view
7470 Taking stock of oneself and contact with the spiritual realm.... Dec 3, 1959 703  Print view
7667 Concern for soul paramount.... Promise.... Aug 6, 1960 355  Print view
Earthly providence of God
5369 God takes care of earthly things.... Apr 19, 1952 200  Print view
7949 The father takes over all the worries.... Jul 25, 1961 708  Print view
8322 “Do not worry about what you eat and drink....” Nov 6, 1962 556  Print view
God’s care in battle of faith
4335 Sustaining the body through God’s word.... Jun 15, 1948 109  Print view
5870 Promise of preservation of body and soul in time of need.... Feb 6, 1954 313  Print view
8848 Strength of faith.... Nourishing the believers.... Aug 30, 1964 595  Print view
Faith in Jesus Christ
5523 "He who believes in Me shall live for ever...." Nov 2, 1952 180  Print view
7352 "He who believes in Me...." May 2, 1959 896  Print view
Promise of eternal life
3715 Promise of eternal bliss.... Mar 16, 1946 59  Print view
5255 Promise of Jesus: eternal life.... Nov 16, 1951 229  Print view
6850 Jesus Christ opens the gate to eternal life.... Jun 12, 1957 1413  Print view
7974 You will live forever.... Aug 24, 1961 540  Print view
8794 Resurrection to life.... Mar 30, 1964 360  Print view
Glory of the spiritual kingdom
8400 The soul's entry into the kingdom of light.... Feb 2, 1963 1096  Print view
2415 ‘Eye has not seen .... ’ Jul 19, 1942 548  Print view
3808 Dwellings in the father's house.... eternal home.... Jun 22, 1946 110  Print view
6022 In the Father’s house are many mansions.... Aug 13, 1954 542  Print view
6122 Promises of glory.... images of the dark kingdom.... Nov 29, 1954 135  Print view
7282 "No man's eye has ever seen it...." Feb 14, 1959 518  Print view
3744 Christ’s promises.... Conditions - Fulfilment.... Apr 16, 1946 562  Print view
6305 Create and work for eternity.... Jul 7, 1955 533  Print view
6693 "I am the way, the truth and the life...." Nov 19, 1956 348  Print view
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