90/6 Workers In The Vineyard Of Jesus – Disclosure Of Prophecies – Preparation For The Period After The Intervention Of God

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
4905 "I will pour out My spirit on all flesh...." May 28, 1950 177  Print view
Disclosure of prophecies
4943 Divine revelations oblige.... near end.... Jul 29, 1950 127  Print view
6776 Forwarding prophetic word.... Mar 5, 1957 377  Print view
7437 Answer to questions.... Oct 26, 1959 587  Print view
7993 Passing on prophecies.... Sep 16, 1961 573  Print view
8072 The near end demands increased vineyard work.... Jan 5, 1962 576  Print view
Pointing the people to God's intervention
1139 Pioneer.... reference to events.... enlightened.... Oct 16, 1939 6  Print view
2850 This document has not yet been translated      
8002 God's language through the elements of nature.... Sep 25, 1961 600  Print view
8908 Task.... Jan 9, 1965 608  Print view
9000 God is aware of the human will.... Natural disaster.... Protection of the servants.... Jun 22, 1965 700  Print view
Activity after the natural disaster
2932 This document has not yet been translated      
3640 Blessing of God's servants in their work.... Dec 29, 1945 66  Print view
4880 Importance of work for the kingdom of God.... Apr 16, 1950 116  Print view
6995 Call to vineyard workers.... Dec 16, 1957 398  Print view
7287 Vineyard work after the event.... preparation for this.... Feb 19, 1959 541  Print view
Prepare for the time after the intervention of God
4010 God’s word substitute for earthly loss.... Mar 28, 1947 93  Print view
4308 Mission readiness.... prediction.... May 21, 1948 116  Print view
4378 Inner voice difficult to hear.... Turmoil - silence.... Jul 17, 1948 920  Print view
4434 Ability of God's servants to see through people.... sharp judgement.... Sep 16, 1948 97  Print view
4793 Decay of earthly goods.... giant steps towards the end.... Dec 6, 1949 122  Print view
4841 Disbelief towards the truth bearers.... Feb 17, 1950 124  Print view
6160 To a right servant the judgement of the world shall be worthless.... Jan 10, 1955 145  Print view
6661 Struggling for firm faith.... God's presence.... Oct 4, 1956 388  Print view
7553 Will guarantees the power to work the vineyard.... Mar 19, 1960 377  Print view
7714 False spirits.... False prophets.... Sep 29, 1960 618  Print view
7755 Doubts about the truth of the predictions.... Nov 25, 1960 367  Print view
Trust in God's guidance and protection
4513 Assurance of protection at time of great need.... act of destruction.... Dec 15, 1948 100  Print view
5477 Support by forces of heaven in the redeeming work.... Sep 1, 1952 243  Print view
6437 Trust in divine guidance.... Dec 28, 1955 404  Print view
7197 Power transmission through Jesus Christ.... Oct 30, 1958 369  Print view
8182 The house-father provides for His servants.... May 19, 1962 351  Print view
6779 Reminder not to slacken in vineyard work.... Mar 9, 1957 530  Print view
6066 Exhortation to workers in the vineyard.... success in the hereafter.... Sep 29, 1954 214  Print view
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