0795 Spiritual exchange of ideas.... distance from the world....

March 4, 1939: Book 16

You must recognize everything which points you towards the task you have been given for earthly life as a purely spiritual exchange of thoughts, and likewise you must be able to separate all earthly desires from what the soul should strive for on earth. Everything that serves man for pleasure and joy, everything that creates well-being for the body and everything that causes a state of happiness on earth is never of advantage for the soul and its liberation. And the soul is deprived of the opportunity to mature to the same extent that the body's earthly desires are fulfilled. Now a wall, as it were, is pushed in front of the one as soon as the other is taken into account. Man's actions will only be beneficial for the soul when he ignores the desires of the body and concerns himself primarily with spiritual things. Every self-mortification will only contribute more and more to the spiritualization of the soul. A new area is opened up to it, which makes the concept of 'life' far more vividly understandable than the fulfilment of earthly pleasures. The more one-sidedly man lives, the more he will deepen himself, and always in the direction which demands the greatest interest from him. Thus a person who is purely spiritually active will soon penetrate knowledge that will bring his soul unimaginable benefits. It is therefore imperative to make use of every spiritual attention, for it is always beneficial for the soul if it is provided with nourishment, which every spiritual stimulation inevitably is for the soul.... Its state becomes considerably freer and therefore people's every concern should be to provide themselves with as much spiritual stimulation as possible. And this, in turn, can only happen if distance is taken from the world and its desires, for only by renouncing them can all spiritual things reach their highest development. Where one willingly and voluntarily imposes sacrifices on oneself, one will find full substitutes to satisfy the soul. The pleasures of the world will ultimately appear stale to the human being and he will no longer find satisfaction in them, whereas the spiritual desire grows the more it is fulfilled, and this maturing within itself alone is the best proof that the soul can never be satisfied.... that it can still and still receive or be spiritually active and yet the feeling of being oversaturated could never stop it in its work on itself or let it become tired. People should therefore make every effort to gather spiritual possessions, they should always be on good terms with their friends and guides in the beyond throughout their earthly life and engage in a lively exchange of spiritual thoughts on the path of wanting to receive, no matter in what form. Every willing concession will be granted immediately, and every soul will be granted what it deeply desires.... If it wants to remain in the worldly, then it is up to it, but indisputably all immersion in the spiritual will earn it great power and drive it to ever more active work, and this is then the actual earth task, to which you men are to be pointed, that you fulfil it right....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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