0794 Hour of retribution.... (after lecture about Christ faithful)

March 3, 1939: Book 16

The hour of retribution is near for all those who deliberately lead the people astray. But to those I say: Your actions are disgraceful. You poison the thinking of your fellow human beings and lead them on a path that leads to ruin, and you bear the responsibility for all these souls who are pushed into darkness through you. Although I will also find ways and means to help the many who go astray, yet if you have already made their will submissive to yours, their existence on earth as preparation for eternity will have failed and their state in the beyond will one day be boundlessly miserable. And you burden yourselves with such guilt by alienating your fellow human beings from Me, and therefore your fate on earth shall already be a marked one, and you will recognize Me when the hour of judgment awaits you. And your fate will prove to you that you are not allowed to blaspheme with impunity.... that you are not authorized to take away people's faith in their saviour.... I suffered for you on the cross and took all guilt upon Myself to save you from the deepest night.... Now that you are walking in the darkest night again, you want to completely renounce Me and reject all My love that was meant for you from the beginning.... You do not want to accept My sacrifice, through your own fault you want to sink back into the darkest night from which My love raised you through death on the cross.... How unspeakably painfully you must suffer if you do not recognize the work of redemption, if you lose faith in Jesus Christ, Who redeemed you from death and sin. And now you mock the son of God.... You surrender Me Myself for the sake of prejudices that people have made for themselves and which can never be in the spirit of the eternal deity. But a time will pass and news of Me will reach the world, and My adversaries will be astonished because they cannot believe it.... and yet they will not give Me the honour but see in Me the hated representative of their enemies, and they will threaten and persecute everything that persists in Me and My teaching. And then the time has come which I mentioned at the time of My earthly life.... Where the living and the dead hear My voice.... Where I am in the midst of My own and protect them from the attacks of the enemies.... And I will be merciful to those who do not harm My own and keep the decree.... And I will be a good shepherd to My sheep so that they do not go astray in the wide open spaces, so that they are not devoured by wolves and wild animals who go about in sheep's clothing and still want to bring down My few followers. But woe to those who do not recognize their shepherd.... They truly have a bad time ahead of them, for My word is unchangeable and it will be fulfilled as it is written....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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