0788 (Continuation of No. 786 and 787)

February 25, 1939: Book 16

Path of the soul before earthly existence.... re-embodiment doctrine...

How far the heavenly father's care for His children on earth extends is evident from the fact that every embodiment beforehand already guarantees the greatest possible spiritual development which can be achieved in this form, so that the human being's soul is at a certain degree of maturity when it enters the body of flesh and the last embodiment is now completely sufficient for the attainment of childship to God if the human being makes it a matter of concern to utilize earthly life to the best of his ability for spiritual progress. If this time of grace has passed uselessly or unsuccessfully for the soul due to its own will or resistance, this is all the more regrettable as the being now has to bear the consequences of its resistance itself, i.e. at the same time all immature and unfinished spirituality also results in suffering and punishment.... The soul will suffer to the same extent as it recognizes its weaknesses and faults and can no longer free itself from these as it did on earth.... The time of grace of its own redemption is over, and if the work of redemption and love of the perfect beings would not start to help the soul and bring it up, the soul would now be hopelessly lost.

However, it is a false assumption that a uselessly spent earthly life can be taken up again at will in order to make up for the neglected self-redemption. If such were intended by the lord of creation without exception, then there would truly be no need for the divine saviour's work of redemption, for every being would then be free to repeat the once missed or badly used earthly life at will, and thus the immense blessing of the work of redemption would be considerably reduced, whereas, however, precisely for the short duration of earthly life through the act of salvation unlimited blessings were acquired for the human being in order to enable a complete liberation from matter during this time, even though it is up to every human being to choose this path of grace, resp. or to take upon himself the time of suffering in the hereafter with all its torments. God's infinite love will not allow any being to fall prey to eternal destruction, and the possibilities of purification are endless, yet you will only be allowed to make use of your time on earth once, apart from the few cases where the lord has linked a special task or intention to it.... which, however, can never be generalized. The teaching of re-embodiment is always detrimental to people, for in a certain lukewarmness of spirit they will always seek comfort or justification in the fact that they can make up for everything they lack one day, and such a teaching will never be beneficial, for only restless work on themselves can bring them the success that they can one day look back on their life with satisfaction.... while the teaching of re-embodiment always leaves a loophole open which the weak, careless and lukewarm make use of. You should not forget your goal for one minute of your life, always strive for reunification with God and try to utilize your time on earth to the utmost, only then will you make yourselves worthy of the careful loving care that the lord God has bestowed upon you during the infinitely long path you have travelled until your earthly existence....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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