123 Misleading Doctrine Of Reincarnation

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
6740 Impact of false teachings.... combat.... Jan 18, 1957 392  Print view
Before personification - Embodiment on earth – Destiny in spiritual realm
6930 The soul's process of development before embodiment.... Sep 29, 1957 785  Print view
7141 Combating the urges from the pre-embodiment.... Jun 7, 1958 571  Print view
7669 The soul consciously enters its embodiment.... Aug 8, 1960 750  Print view
8745 The souls' fate after death varies.... Feb 5, 1964 1126  Print view
8987 Diversity of the celestial bodies.... May 31, 1965 648  Print view
About the error of the doctrine of reincarnation
0786 Path of the soul before earthly existence.... doctrine of reincarnation.... Feb 24, 1939 28  Print view
0787 (Continuation of No. 0786) Feb 25, 1939 20  Print view
0788 (Continuation of No. 786 and 787) Feb 25, 1939 40  Print view
1587 This document has not yet been translated      
3220 Refutation of the doctrine of reincarnation.... justice.... Aug 14, 1944 41  Print view
4913 Retrogression never will of God.... re-embodiment.... reverse process.... new banishment.... light beings.... Jun 11, 1950 177  Print view
5188 Reincarnation.... heresy.... childhood of God.... Aug 13, 1951 123  Print view
8000 Re-incarnation for special reasons.... Sep 23, 1961 386  Print view
8288 Constant attacks by the enemy.... Light bearers.... Reincarnation.... Oct 1, 1962 372  Print view
8648 Answer to question about re-embodiment.... Oct 18, 1963 374  Print view
Incarnation and reincarnation of light beings for the purpose of mission
2336 This document has not yet been translated      
2881 This document has not yet been translated      
4803 Incarnation of many light souls during the last days.... Dec 24, 1949 400  Print view
7391 Law of the eternal order.... embodied light beings.... Aug 18, 1959 553  Print view
Reincarnation of the disciples of Jesus and John the forerunner of Jesus
7080 Embodied beings of light.... Jesus' disciples during His time on earth.... Apr 1, 1958 558  Print view
4899 Incarnation of beings of light.... Forerunner.... May 19, 1950 558  Print view
4970 Embodied beings of light.... Lack of past memory.... Forerunner.... Sep 20, 1950 722  Print view
7604 Forerunner.... Knowledge about previous incarnation.... May 22, 1960 722  Print view
Error of repeated incarnation of Jesus
8264 Concerning the question: Incarnation of Jesus.... Sep 5, 1962 544  Print view
8750 Was Jesus' soul already incarnated before God's human manifestation?.... Feb 11, 1964 1129  Print view
8751 Counteracting misguided views about Jesus’ incarnation.... Feb 12, 1964 578  Print view
About the return of Christ
3768 Christ’s Second Coming.... May 12, 1946 538  Print view
4783 The Lord's visible appearance.... Nov 19, 1949 541  Print view
8743 Explanation about the coming of the Lord.... Feb 3, 1964 748  Print view
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