0785 School of the spirit.... spheres of light.... bliss....

February 23, 1939: Book 16

You shall emerge from the school of the spirit well instructed and at all times bear witness to your teachers that they have introduced you to all knowledge, that they imparted eternal wisdom to you, and when you have successfully completed this school of the spirit, that you have penetrated into the depths of divine wisdom and are therefore also able to recognize the greatness and majesty of the creator, your purpose on earth will be completely fulfilled, for then you will have reached the spiritual level which allows you to enter higher spheres. You can leave the body of flesh behind and rise above matter without restraint, completely free within yourselves and released from all oppressive fetters. This stage will be a blissful one for you, as you will no longer be burdened by anything. Flooded with radiant light, nothing impure has access to you and your state is light and life.... You stand in the truth and realize that you can never perish. From the depth of consciousness all spiritual knowledge rises up and reveals the whole of creation to you, and everything will be reflected brightly and clearly before your spiritual eye.... and what you desire to see will come to life in all its diversity.... There will be nothing that remains veiled to you.... it will be an unspeakably satisfying state, a constant sense of well-being and yet again a constant desire to experience and see the wonders of creation again and again. The earth only harbours the glories of God's creation to a limited extent, and yet these are so numerous to behold and marvel at that times will pass before a being of light has absorbed all these wonders of creation.... But now try to imagine that all celestial bodies, all creations which have arisen in the vast universe through God's omnipotence, exhibit such evidence of divine activity of love in infinitely great numbers and that eternities will pass before a being which stands in the light has gained an insight into the countless miracles of creation, and thus the state of aversion or weariness can never ever occur, for this is a concept which can only be applied in earthly life but never in the eternal work of creation which is sublime above all earthly things, which shelters beings of light in endless numbers and yet does not deny one of these beings the complete fulfilment of its longing and desire. Every being of light has every opportunity to indulge in supernatural pleasures to an extent you cannot comprehend, yet love surpasses them all.... The law of love is decisive, as on earth, so also in those spheres, love is always the epitome of all spiritual.... for love is the power that flows through everything, and all bliss has its origin and its goal in love....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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