0784 Living bond with God.... strength of faith.... humility.... grace.... perfection....

February 22, 1939: Book 16

Seeking a living bond with God is the first condition for striving for perfection. If you humans endeavour to confidently reveal yourselves to the father in heaven in all situations in life, this bond will be established and only then will you be in the right relationship with God. In all afflictions of body and soul you now know one Who can help you.... You turn to Him in prayer and your call will not be in vain. The father in heaven wants to call fully trusting children His own, and if your prayer ascends to heaven in faithful trust, He will not disappoint your trust either, for all blessing and strength lies in the living contact. Even the slightest doubt will shake the power of prayer, but a single sigh that reaches the ear of the father in heaven in full faith will be heard by virtue of strong faith. May you always remember this word if you are overcome by despondency and cannot find the right strength of faith.... If your faith is alive, then nothing separates you from the divine saviour, then you are devoted to Him in childlike love and surrender yourselves completely to His will.... You trust Him unreservedly and your faith and trust will also earn you the right reward.... The father will give you what you need. And if you now truly feel like children of your father, you will also try to completely comply with His will, for then you will also be in love, and love gives and fulfils all desires. If love now applies to the divine saviour, then the will to serve is also in you, for love willingly serves, it gives and sacrifices itself and is always willing to help. And if the earthly child is willing to serve, then it will also fulfil the right earthly purpose, for only by serving will it be able to mature to perfection. Only a serving being will be able to free itself from all dross, it will emerge pure and clear who places himself at the service of God and his fellow human beings, for this being will practice profound humility and only through humility will it enter into direct contact with the lord and saviour.... For the lord gives His grace to the humble.... But the grace of God is necessary for every earthly child if it wants to reach the highest and form itself into a God-like being.... You are to reach the highest and can only do so if you practice humility. The lower you regard yourselves, the sooner the lord will elevate you, He will grant you grace in abundance, and only through divine grace will you now be able to truly grasp earthly life in all its significance. Therefore, serve God and your dear neighbour with all love and loyalty, try to become worthy of His grace and remain united with God in deepest humility, then you will already reach the highest degree of perfection on earth and your life will be a blessed one....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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