0711 Father's words.... dictation.... audible voice....

December 14, 1938: Book 15

You must make use of every hour, My child, for the time on earth is short. An obedient and willing child is in My favour and will also be worthy of My word at all times, but it should be stingy with every hour that can give it the most precious thing an earthly child is given. Behold, you have a work to do which requires a lot of time, therefore not an hour should be missed because it can be used unspeakably beneficially. So today you shall be informed shortly that the most valuable gift is still offered to you in a continuation.... Some time will still pass, and during this time your thoughts will be very much occupied with Me, and when you have reached the degree of love which will let you hear My word in your heart, you will also be able to follow My dictation and directly reproduce everything you have heard. Yet anyone who is to serve Me in this way must completely subordinate himself to Me, his will must merge with Mine and his longing must be for Me alone. Seek to reach this state, My child, so that you can fulfil your task and merge into it yourself in order to be unspeakably happy already on earth. I form My servants on earth and want to possess their hearts completely, and the more intimately they love Me, the greater their longing for Me, the sooner they will be fulfilled and I will be so close to them that they will hear and feel Me. And every word shall resound in the heart, it shall proclaim My love for those who sacrifice their will to Me. When the hour has come which I have intended for you to receive the most beautiful and most precious, then only this task on earth lies ahead of you, to which all your fervour shall then be devoted, and humanity will be offered an indestructible work which shall make My love for humanity visible to it.... My suffering and death on the cross.... In order to become worthy of this task, persevere in prayer and keep your heart pure for Me.... So that you, sharing in the great grace, may serve humanity through your will....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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