0710 father's words of love.... employees....

December 13, 1938: Book 15

Know, little children, that I love you and that you should never despair or doubt My love for you.... The teachings which you receive daily bear witness to this, and if they awaken counter-love in you, the strength of My love will work in you. This love has no limits.... It will awaken in My true children a hunger and thirst for ever new proofs of love in the word.... There is nothing more blissful than to be able to satisfy this hunger and thirst with the gifts of My love and yet to remain constantly longing for the bread of heaven, to never be satiated and to always be able to enjoy the pleasures of fulfilment. And from this you recognize My love that I Myself constantly dwell amongst you, that I both awaken the desire in you as well as fulfil this desire and that I am always ready for you where you long for Me and let Me be found where you seek Me. The souls of My children seek the light and I kindle it in their hearts, I leave no stone unturned in order to also bring My kingdom to those who are completely ignorant and whose will so stubbornly rejects Me. For those children do not yet know My love, which would so much like to make them happy. They only ever walk blindly through life and also reject a guide who knows the way, but if they get completely lost and cannot find the way in the night of the spirit, then they will gratefully make use of the help I send them anew. For all these blind in spirit take Me.... they do not see the beauty around them and therefore do not recognize the creator of it either. And My love cannot warm them because they remove themselves from the sphere of the sun of grace and do nothing to test its radiance. And so I have countless tasks for you, My servants.... to mention My great love and mercy especially to such erring human children. You must diligently support Me by, as My co-workers, directing the thoughts of such people towards spiritual problems in the most natural way. The spiritually active person accepts such indications and does not let them pass by unnoticed. Although he will always say to himself that he cannot receive complete enlightenment on earth, he is now much easier to direct and also more accessible to such questions and considerations. But I have to send stronger evidence of My working to those who keep themselves completely aloof, yet often in a painful way. Anyone who does not want to recognize My love must feel My power, for he always has the opportunity to transform this tangible power into just such love if only he seriously wants to.... Anyone who grasps Me with his heart will constantly feel My presence.... I will be close to him like a brother and be his friend and counsellor in all his needs.... For I love My children and do not want to see any of them go astray.... And in My love I will bring together those who can help each other, and if they carry out My will and comply with the commandments placed in their hearts, the work for each other will also make itself felt in a beneficial way.... The resistance will become less and less, and the spark of love for Me will ignite and soon flare up into a bright flame.... And thus start working on all souls which are still distant from Me so that they will be guided upwards and recognize their creator, Who is love from eternity to eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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