0700 God's love.... power.... will to create....

December 7, 1938: Book 15

Behold how the sea of divine love pours out over all creatures.... how the source of grace constantly opens up and the fullness of God's love communicates itself to His beings. Visible and invisible forces are always ready to carry out what God's love wants, and so the lord's love works indefinitely.... always and eternally. His will is power, His love is strength, and His wisdom creates out of will and love.... Every thing is therefore God's labour of love carried out in all wisdom, it came into being out of itself by God's love becoming active, and such a labour of love must therefore also be the highest.... The created being must vividly and tangibly or visibly manifest the will and love of God and therefore can never sink back into nothingness, for all creation is strength.... strength, however, does not diminish but increases, as it were, ad infinitum. A created being, as a product of this creative power, whose origin is divine love, must therefore likewise harbour love and power within itself, albeit in the most infinite part.... Every being harbours a spark of this divine love and strength within itself.... It is now the task of the being, especially in possession of free will, to likewise bring this spark to ever greater form, thus to increase its own power of love in union with God's love and thus to unite itself again with the original power, the epitome of love, so that everything that went out from God returns to Him again. If this seems incomprehensible to you, imagine a power plant that constantly generates and releases power. The more power is now required, the more is also generated, but the system receives all the power supply back undiminished in the form that was gained through the utilized power, so only a transformation of the original power has been carried out, but not the slightest part of the power has been lost. And thus not even the smallest part of the universe can ever be lost or destroyed, because it only ever bears witness to the eternal deity's never-ending will to shape the universe in a different form, in accordance with the lord's will. This is understandable to you, but not how the power as such increases in the beings created by God.... The source of light will never run dry, for divine strength can never be used up, although every being owes its existence solely to this source of strength.... Light and power are constantly multiplied through the radiations into the universe. These are neither limited nor dependent on any influence but uninterrupted expressions of God's activity and love, which would only diminish if God's will to create were to diminish. Yet this cannot happen, for it would mean a lack of love, and since God is love itself it must also be incessantly creatively active and time and again generate new living beings to which the father's never-ending love applies. The more the creative urge is activated, the more numerous are the miracles of creation.... and since every work of creation is power from God, this power increases daily and hourly by an infinite amount, for the most diverse works of creation constantly and everywhere in the universe emerge from God's will, and creation as such will not diminish or diminish in form and size for a second, but instead will become ever more extensive and diverse through God's eternally invincible will to create, which springs from God's infinite love And therefore the lord has once again placed love and the will to shape into every created being, which then, if free will is given to it, shall bring the being to highest perfection, so that God's strength, which is eternal love, will only ever increase and as such trigger the highest happiness in heaven and on earth, for love is the epitome of all divinity and thus of the highest bliss....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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