0699 State of the soul after death.... spirit of God....

December 6, 1938: Book 15

The state of the soul will reveal itself to you in all clarity one day when the soul has left the body and enters through the gate of eternal life. Then the term 'spirit of God' will reveal itself in the most understandable way. A separation will take place in such a way that the spirit of God harboured in the soul will completely unite with all soul substance, while the bodily shell will release all fetters inhibiting the soul and grant it a completely free exit from the body. That which is earthly will go towards earthly decay, but the immortal soul only changes its whereabouts.... it is no longer bound to time and space by the outer shell, but in infinity wherever its will leads it, subject to no constraint and no inhibition, but completely free and unbound by itself. Provided that it has reached the degree of maturity on earth, which is required by its present stay in regions of light. For if the soul is not yet completely purified of all dross and desires, it cannot find entrance into such regions of light, but must first attain the necessary degree of maturity in the beyond. It is so easy to understand that precisely the connection with the divine spirit is the state of light itself.... God Himself is light, and everything that arises from God must also be light as long as it is perfect.... Likewise, that which is imperfect and has fallen away from God must be darkness until it has found its way back to God, the eternal light, and then likewise shine again in the brightest light.... Thus the union of the soul with the spirit of God in man must also be the entry into the brightest state of light, and every state of darkness must have come to an end when the soul is seized by the divine elemental power, which is the divine spirit in man.... Nothing in the world can come close to comparing with the delights of this union of the soul with the divine spirit.... It is so incomparably blissful and yet, with a little good will, so extremely easy to achieve, and this moment compensates the earthly child a thousandfold for the most difficult and painful earthly life. But all coercion exerted on the soul would never again bring about such a feeling of bliss, and therefore free will must again be active in the human being if he is to be granted the highest happiness, the union with the spirit from God, as soon as he enters the beyond....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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