0696 Love.... fulfilment.... source of spiritual wealth....

December 4, 1938: Book 15

What happens in recent times will make you completely faithful, for your prayer will reach the lord and will be heard. Behold, My child, it is My will that your feelings be deepened, a covenant shall be made between Me and you which will last forever, and if it is not strengthened through all trials there is always the danger of flattening.... It is beyond human comprehension how responsible the battle in earthly life is, yet an unlimited knowledge of it would influence free behaviour.... The purpose of life, however, is to strive towards God of one's own free will, unaware of the glory or damnation awaiting him. For if a being acts in calculation, every action loses its value.... Love should drive the human being and this, in turn, should be his innermost motivation, but the right measure of love alone is already the desire to ascend, for I Myself am love.... thus, anyone who has Me within himself through his activity of love allows himself to be seized by Me without resistance and guided into My kingdom. The earthly child can therefore be presented with the greatest task without worrying, it will fulfil this task of its own accord because love was active first, it only has to be continually stimulated and strengthened through resistance because the demands of life, which approach an earthly child in such a task, are unspeakably great.... It must be able to assert itself against all hostility from outside, it must itself be extraordinarily knowledgeable and be able to prove itself against objections from the hostile side.... it must become stronger, which is impossible without inner struggle. But no ministry is given to man without the necessary application of strength, and very often man does not recognize the true purpose of an apparent setback, which is always a means against lukewarmness and fatigue of spirit. He will only gain full understanding when he looks back at his earthly life, but if his life is still on earth he is often overcome by anxiety and in such a situation he sincerely calls upon the heavenly father for help.... And thus the covenant with Me will be ever more firmly established; his faith, which takes refuge in Me, will be rewarded and grace will be given to him in greater measure. Behold, separation from Me is the most bitter suffering that can threaten the earthly child, yet anyone who is frightened that I might abandon him has My fullest love, for his heart longs for Me.... how need he fear that I will turn My favour away from him? And his longing should only be ever greater so that I can provide it with My love.... Every spiritual nourishment is the highest proof of My love, for he who is worthy of this nourishment will never hunger or thirst, and thus love for Me is also the fulfilment of longing, for he who loves Me receives. Let the world strive for earthly goods and take note of where true happiness can be found.... Always only where pure love fills hearts.... love that is ready to give.... But as long as only love for earthly goods is stirred.... love that wants to possess will not produce inner happiness and inner peace. If love now turns to Me, if it wants to give to Me, namely to give itself to Me, then this love will trigger unspeakable delights, for I Myself want to be fulfilment.... The slightest plea for Me shall suffice for the earthly child to hear My voice.... it shall be visibly distinguished on earth, that spiritual strength supports it and it walks in My love from now on. The source of life is always and forever My grace, and anyone who stands in My love may constantly draw from this source, he will never need to live in want and suffering and gather spiritual wealth, and there will be no end to the joy which My love provides him with. And this is destined for those who see the lord in Me.... who submit to Me at all times and show Me love and honour.... But I lean towards them as a father Who draws His children to Himself in deepest love, for what My love once created lives on in this world, yet everything from Me shall also be one with Me.... If it now longs for Me as its creator and father of its own accord, My joy is indescribable, for My love is for you, My children, forever.... And your return to the father's house shall be your highest bliss....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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