0695 Full faith and trust.... fight against doubt....

December 3, 1938: Book 15

People do not realize how easily they can sink into unbelief if their inner attitude towards the father leaves much to be desired in terms of depth, for the lord Himself is protection for all those who seek Him, and thus the child who longs for Him cannot go astray. Every minute of life is precious, and if they are used to win erring souls, they are blessed by the lord. Therefore, let there be no doubt in your mind.... your thoughts move in the lord's direction, He leads you, as it were, through daily life in such a way that you find activity in your spiritual task. The slightest impulse is often enough for a person to become thoughtful....

A secure feeling of being safe delivers a person from all torment, and so the lord has already taken care of your further life, and you can devote yourself to your spiritual work with peace of mind and look up to Him full of trust. For it is an eternal battle for a weak soul.... Wherever the slightest mistrust appears, the spirits of the underworld are gathered in droves to drag down such a doubting heart. Everything that does not surrender unconditionally to the power from above is seized by the opposite pole and weakened more and more, so to speak, and then the soul has to struggle immensely to reconnect with the power from above. And all this only when quiet doubts want to capture the heart.... The lord demands the most faithful trust from you, whom He Himself instructs. Remember that every doubt grieves the lord.... remember that He wants to mould you into fully believing children and that you should therefore never doubt His words.... For then all evil powers will find entrance into a doubting heart and displace the likewise active good spiritual beings, so that their influence will also weaken and only a strong will can curb the danger for the soul. Let it be said to you that no victory can be won without a fight, and that is why you have to fight against all doubts, you have to know that fullest strength lies in undoubted faith, but that you oppositely give yourselves into the power of the enemy. Leave all your worries to the lord, He will lift you up when you want to despair. He will comfort you and also give you information where you are ignorant.... And so He always has that ready for you which is suitable for your soul.... He imparts purest truth to you, and every doubt about it is injustice against the lord and saviour, just as complete trust and undoubted faith will always please Him. And so gather yourselves together in prayer and ask the father for His help in all your oppressive concerns and questions.... and give Him your undivided attention and best will, and all your doubts will be cleared up and your questions answered, for it is the lord's will that you know what you desire to know....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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