Book 67


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
6189 Work of redemption.... ransom.... free will.... Feb 14, 1955 190 Print
6190 References to the end.... Feb 15, 1955 74 Print
6191 Only love is valued.... Feb 17, 1955 74 Print
6192 Redemption from form occasion of the transformation of the earth.... Feb 18, 1955 159 Print
6193 The key to wisdom is love, not reason.... Feb 19, 1955 153 Print
6194 Serious admonitions.... Feb 21, 1955 904 Print
6195 Hearing the word only after the death on the cross.... Feb 22, 1955 189 Print
6196 Love life.... power of love.... Feb 23, 1955 75 Print
6197 Returning the spiritual to God.... free will.... Feb 24, 1955 84 Print
6198 God's blessing to all proclaimers of Jesus Christ.... Feb 25, 1955 70 Print
6199 Life or death.... Feb 25, 1955 79 Print
6200 Every person is addressed by God.... Feb 26, 1955 387 Print
6201 Decision of faith.... confessing before the world.... Feb 28, 1955 309 Print
6202 Task in life: Helping with love.... Mar 1, 1955 366 Print
6203 Hostilities.... faith struggle.... vineyard work.... Mar 2, 1955 163 Print
6204 The right will guarantees the transformation of beings.... Mar 4, 1955 165 Print
6205 Helping assistance of people at redemption from the depths.... Mar 5, 1955 172 Print
6206 Ability to love.... willingness to love.... Mar 6, 1955 84 Print
6207 Deification of the created beings.... Mar 7, 1955 565 Print
6208 Will to God and power of the word weapons against enemy.... Mar 8, 1955 74 Print
6209 Increased suffering during the time of the end.... Mar 9, 1955 78 Print
6210 Explanation about 'spiritual spark' and 'soul'.... Mar 12, 1955 371 Print
6211 Connection with God - bliss.... separation - unblessedness.... Mar 13, 1955 82 Print
6212 The gospel is to be spread "in the whole world".... Mar 14, 1955 184 Print
6213 Fulfilment of every spiritual request sure.... Mar 15, 1955 76 Print
6214 God's will: principle of love.... Mar 17, 1955 237 Print
6215 Urgent vineyard work.... Mar 18, 1955 80 Print
6216 Desire of a mature soul for God.... Mar 20, 1955 152 Print
6217 Guide through the spirit.... vineyard work.... Mar 22, 1955 71 Print
6218 Redemption work for souls.... intercession.... Mar 23, 1955 175 Print
6219 God's will: fitting into the eternal order.... Mar 25, 1955 75 Print
6220 Paying off the debt 'in pennies and nickels....' Mar 27, 1955 161 Print
6221 Life and death.... Jesus Christ - redeemer.... Mar 28, 1955 82 Print
6222 Word reception.... protecting the truth.... Mar 29, 1955 71 Print
6223 Requesting grace in free will.... Mar 30, 1955 82 Print
6224 Mission of the servants of God on earth.... Mar 31, 1955 77 Print
6225 "God is in me...." loving activity.... Apr 1, 1955 463 Print
6226 Readiness to receive the means of grace.... Apr 2, 1955 91 Print
6227 The ‘redeemed’ at the end.... Inhabitants of the new earth.... Apr 3, 1955 709 Print
6228 Fear of death.... Apr 4, 1955 177 Print
6229 Recognition and reception dependent on will.... Apr 5, 1955 86 Print
6230 The end.... Transformation and new creation.... Apr 6, 1955 561 Print
6231 God reveals Himself again and again as love.... Apr 7, 1955 67 Print
6232 Good Friday.... love.... Apr 8, 1955 77 Print
6233 Suffering and dying.... Apr 9, 1955 748 Print
6234 Death and resurrection.... life.... Apr 10, 1955 91 Print
6235 Struggle time before the end.... afflictions.... Apr 11, 1955 187 Print
6236 Accountability before God's judgment seat.... Apr 12, 1955 376 Print
6237 Word of God: love doctrine.... right heralds.... Mar 13, 1955 84 Print
6238 Spreading the truth.... living faith.... Apr 14, 1955 89 Print
6239 Divine love light.... lightbearer.... Apr 16, 1955 92 Print
6240 Jesus took all suffering upon Himself.... Why suffering?.... Apr 17, 1955 923 Print
6241 Gifts of the spirit.... Conditions.... Apr 18, 1955 394 Print
6242 Punishment for sin? Self-inflicted fate.... Apr 21, 1955 753 Print
6243 End for all.... positive or negative success.... Apr 22, 1955 94 Print
6244 From God is appointed the day of the end.... Apr 23, 1955 180 Print
6245 Redemption of Lucifer.... resistance to the test of will.... Apr 24, 1955 179 Print
6246 Greatest danger of sinking to the depths.... Apr 26, 1955 91 Print
6247 Meaning of the word 'court'.... justice.... Apr 29, 1955 84 Print
6248 Desire for truth guarantees truth.... May 2, 1955 90 Print
6249 God's protection of His fighters and servants.... May 3, 1955 195 Print
6250 Spiritual turning point.... The approach of night.... May 5, 1955 890 Print
6251 The truth cannot be prevented.... May 6, 1955 93 Print
6252 The task to spread the truth presupposes receipt of truth from God.... May 7, 1955 406 Print
6253 God's plan of salvation proves His love.... May 9, 1955 157 Print
6254 Connection with God secures His protection.... May 10, 1955 258 Print
6255 Feeding of the divine word.... act of God's grace.... May 12, 1955 65 Print
6256 The human being is close to the goal.... May 13, 1955 396 Print
6257 Lack of sense of responsibility.... lack of faith.... May 14, 1955 76 Print
6258 Redemption of souls from the deep before the end.... May 15, 1955 89 Print
6259 Beholding face to face.... May 16, 1955 88 Print
6260 Body.... soul.... spirit.... unification task.... May 17, 1955 76 Print
6261 Divine guidance through the spirit.... May 20, 1955 375 Print
6262 Voice of conscience.... Feeling.... Right path.... May 21, 1955 579 Print
6263 Exhortation to diligent vineyard work.... May 22, 1955 184 Print
6264 Blessed or dark lot.... evidence.... Jesus Christ.... May 23, 1955 83 Print
6265 Strength of faith needed in the final battle.... May 25, 1955 79 Print
6266 No intercession in vain for souls beyond.... May 26, 1955 165 Print
6267 Beginning and end of the redemption period far lying.... May 27, 1955 90 Print
6268 Task of the disciples: proclaiming the doctrine of love.... May 28, 1955 173 Print
6269 Deification.... Spiritual spark.... Whitsun May 25, 1955 May 29, 1955 366 Print
6270 Outpouring of the spirit.... May 30, 1955 82 Print
6271 Calm before the storm.... Forearmed fighters.... May 31, 1955 740 Print
6272 God's boundless love.... return.... Jun 1, 1955 188 Print
6273 Subordination of will.... responsibility.... Jun 2, 1955 189 Print
6274 Distance from God and wrong attitude towards Him.... Jun 3, 1955 187 Print
6275 Power and effect of the divine word.... Jun 4, 1955 186 Print
6276 Redemption of Lucifer.... homecoming of the prodigal son.... Jun 5, 1955 179 Print
6277 Strokes of fate.... The Father's love.... Jun 6, 1955 1493 Print
6278 Connection with God.... safe ascension.... Jun 7, 1955 90 Print
6279 Separation - unblessedness.... "Come all ye to Me...." Jun 8, 1955 87 Print
6280 True prayer and church service.... Jun 9, 1955 589 Print
6281 Correct direction of will – total freedom.... Jun 10, 1955 370 Print
6282 Transformation of Earth.... Eruptions.... Jun 11, 1955 535 Print
6283 Opening the heart to spiritual gifts.... Jun 13, 1955 175 Print
6284 Spiritual guides on earth.... Jesus Christ.... Jun 14, 1955 266 Print