
6206 Ability to love.... willingness to love....

March 6, 1955: Book 67

You all carry the divine spark of love in your heart and are therefore all capable of love.... which is why no human being can say that he was created entirely without love. People are certainly differently inclined in their feelings which, however, does not exclude the fact that every person can shape his nature so that it is only absorbed in love for God and his fellow human beings.... It only depends on the will of the individual, and only where this resists is an activity of love not possible. Thus you are all capable of love because the basis for it is created in you.... but the willingness to love is your own work, because your will is free, because you yourselves determine the will within you. Thus a person who is willing to live according to God's commandments will also develop love within himself, even though he is also exposed to the temptations of the adversary who would like to suffocate love in the human being when it ignites. And this is the only way you can explain to yourselves the fact that you don't always act and speak in accordance with the commandment of love, even though you are willing to live to please God.... even though you are also aware of the shortcoming it means for you if the degree of love in you is lower. God's adversary puts obstacles in the way of every striving person because a life of love means the certain loss of the soul for him.... He will always endeavour to stifle love, he will always try to prevent the flame of love from flaring up into ever greater embers.... And thus he will have an effect on the human being by allowing love for himself, self-love, to emerge.... which always places itself as a shadow in front of true love and thus wants to darken it. A strong will does not allow this shadow to arise, but often the will is only weak and the human being's activity of love accordingly. And every hindrance to loving activity, every unwillingness towards a loving deed is the adversary's influence, which you humans should certainly take into account and counteract if you strive to ascend.... You must know that you are constantly besieged by him, that he knows all tricks, that he slips in where only the smallest gap in the heart is open to him due to the human being's weakness of will.... therefore be constantly on your guard against him and join ever more firmly to the one Who can protect you against him.... to Jesus Christ, Who died on the cross to strengthen your will, and Who.... as love itself.... will only ever influence your will to love in order to help you attain a degree of love which completely transforms your nature and unites you with the one Who is eternal love Himself. It is always these two masters who want to make you their property.... whom you hand yourselves over to of your own free will you acknowledge as your lord and who then also exercises his power over and on you.... Always turn to Jesus Christ and you will drive away His adversary, since he cannot hear the name of Jesus without fleeing. And Jesus will also kindle love in you, for the connection with Him in thought already gives Him the right to also influence your heart, and this means that love will flare up in you to bright embers and that you now no longer have to force yourselves but your heart will drive you on, because you have united yourselves with the eternal love and love has now become your very essence, as it was in the beginning....


Translated by Doris Boekers