Book 18


B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Commands
0877 God's childhood.... end aim of life.... state of light.... Apr 21, 1939 198 Print
0878 Trials according to state of maturity.... deep faith in earthly hardship.... Apr 22, 1939 214 Print
0879 Wrestling of the soul.... prayer.... free will.... matter.... Apr 22, 1939 209 Print
0880 Checking this work.... obstacle and its removal.... Apr 23, 1939 189 Print
0881 Father words.... union with Him.... Apr 23, 1939 184 Print
0882 Miracle of creation.... similar formations.... repetition.... Apr 24, 1939 197 Print
0883 Love lives up.... love redeems.... Apr 24, 1939 184 Print
0884 Father words.... lightning ray.... guide.... Apr 25, 1939 184 Print
0885 Recognition of the truth only possible through love for God.... sharpness of mind.... Apr 26, 1939 189 Print
0886 Spiritual waste.... self-conceit.... shackles.... Apr 26, 1939 212 Print
0887 Power of prayer.... love power.... Apr 27, 1939 207 Print
0888 Thought currents.... Prerequisites for easy acceptance of spiritual knowledge.... Apr 27, 1939 338 Print
0889 Earthly events.... temporal phenomena.... inertia of the spirit.... Apr 28, 1939 183 Print
0890 Look into beyond.... faith - maturity.... free will.... Apr 29, 1939 199 Print
0891 Spirit of God.... divine original force.... love.... Apr 29, 1939 188 Print
0892 World of peace.... leader of the people.... Apr 30, 1939 318 Print
0893 New creations.... unchanged laws of nature.... synchronisation.... rhythm.... May 1, 1939 185 Print
0894 New task and activity in the beyond.... glory.... love.... May 1, 1939 199 Print
0895 Inner peace.... May 2, 1939 320 Print
0896a Exhortation to spread God’s word.... May 2, 1939 390 Print
0896b Exhortation to spread God’s word.... May 3, 1939 371 Print
0897 Divine grace.... May 4, 1939 179 Print
0898 Life without love.... early calling home.... May 4, 1939 179 Print
0899 Death hour.... May 5, 1939 183 Print
0900 Thought activity.... Spiritual good and spiritual power.... May 6, 1939 220 Print
0901 Checking this work.... receptivity for direct word.... May 7, 1939 188 Print
0902 Divine protection.... way of suffering.... prediction of world event.... May 7, 1939 191 Print
0903 Truth bearer.... prince of lies.... error.... May 8, 1939 161 Print
0904 Admonition to resist.... May 8, 1939 334 Print
0905 Task that requires the free will of the human being.... May 10, 1939 167 Print
0906 Forgiveness of sins.... May 10, 1939 172 Print
0907 Gagged will.... freedom of will.... May 11, 1939 187 Print
0908 Times of spiritual need.... help from above.... May 11, 1939 160 Print
0909 Flats in the father’s house.... state of happiness.... restlessness.... May 12, 1939 168 Print
0910 Spiritual seeing.... May 12, 1939 195 Print
0911 "My kingdom has come from above...." May 13, 1939 196 Print
0912 Control of the creature.... strong will.... May 13, 1939 223 Print
0913 Examining the revelations.... most faithful devotion.... truth.... May 14, 1939 169 Print
0914 Shackles of the soul.... state of suffering.... Saulus - Paulus.... May 14, 1939 166 Print
0915 Faithlessness.... chaos.... distress of the earth.... helmsman.... May 15, 1939 184 Print
0916 Communication from a being from the beyond.... May 15, 1939 187 Print
0917 Spiritual exchange.... explanation of the otherworldly friends.... May 16, 1939 182 Print
0918 Knowledge alone not enough.... fulfilment of the commandments necessary.... May 16, 1939 196 Print
0919 Reminder to proclaim God’s word everywhere.... good shepherd.... May 17, 1939 349 Print
0920 Teaching activity in the beyond.... eagerness of imperfect beings to learn.... May 17, 1939 206 Print
0921 Reproduction of prophetic words.... task.... sounding voice.... May 18, 1939 226 Print
0922 Fulfilment of the commandments in the compulsory state.... May 19, 1939 216 Print
0923 Recognition of the wrong way of life cause for repentance.... helpful beings.... May 19, 1939 165 Print
0924 Blessings of deep faith.... fulfilment of prayer.... knowledge.... May 20, 1939 191 Print
0925 Weakness of the spirit.... reduction of the ability to receive.... May 21, 1939 198 Print
0926 Mental influence by co-responsible spiritual beings.... enlightenment by superior beings.... May 22, 1939 176 Print
0927 Lack of faith.... power of prayer.... coincidences.... May 24, 1939 187 Print
0928 Battle of faith.... method.... criticism.... God's protection.... May 25, 1939 187 Print
0929 Awakening from spiritual sleep.... light.... spiritual sun.... May 25, 1939 195 Print
0930 Mystery of the trinity.... God the father.... God the son.... May 26, 1939 353 Print
0931 Epitome of bliss.... redeeming the soul.... poor in spirit.... May 26, 1939 207 Print
0932 Voice of conscience.... redemptive work on earth.... May 27, 1939 229 Print
0933 School of the spirit.... earth life as a station of education.... May 27, 1939 222 Print
0934 Father words of love.... audible voice.... May 28, 1939 189 Print
0935 Angel passing through the world.... natural phenomena.... distress - worry.... poem May 29, 1939 193 Print
0936 Life.... spirit from God.... natural law.... May 29, 1939 185 Print
0937 Truth.... willpower.... bridge through love.... May 30, 1939 180 Print
0938 Neglect of earthly work.... sloth.... idleness.... May 30, 1939 175 Print
0939 Consequences of spiritual backwardness.... May 31, 1939 194 Print
0940 Strength of faith.... God's help.... Jun 1, 1939 195 Print
0941 Refinement of the fellow human being.... rejection.... hour of recognition.... Jun 1, 1939 203 Print
0942 Vocabulary.... self-suggestion.... transcripts.... Jun 2, 1939 210 Print
0943 Unused earth life.... conscious work.... state in the hereafter.... Jun 2, 1939 187 Print
0944 Imperishable good.... prayer for the deceased.... power of love.... Jun 3, 1939 172 Print
0945 Collision of Earth and Sun .... Researchers .... The Earth’s core .... Jun 3, 1939 626 Print
0946 Purity of heart.... happiness of union.... weakness of faith.... Jun 4, 1939 185 Print
0947 Hour of decision.... warning to remain faithful to the saviour.... Jun 4, 1939 369 Print
0948 Necessity of natural disasters.... God's will turned into form.... Jun 5, 1939 179 Print
0949 Need for natural disasters.... fighter of God Jun 5, 1939 173 Print
0950 Prediction of world-shaking event.... mission of the servants of God.... Jun 6, 1939 200 Print
0951 Life is a struggle.... father words.... doubt.... Jun 7, 1939 200 Print
0952 Different living conditions no obstacle to the development of the soul.... Jun 7, 1939 318 Print
0953 Freedom of the spirit.... dream.... spiritual realm.... matter.... Jun 8, 1939 175 Print
0954 "Watch and pray...." temptations.... Jun 8, 1939 322 Print
0955 "Become like children...." the right relationship with the father.... Jun 9, 1939 162 Print
0956 Extraordinary proof of grace.... arrogance of the researchers.... Jun 9, 1939 179 Print
0957 Eruptions .... Work of Creation .... Researchers .... Jun 10, 1939 322 Print
0958 Light state.... creation work.... creation.... Jun 11, 1939 184 Print
0959 Controversy for the sake of the name of Jesus.... flight from God.... earthly power.... Jun 11, 1939 171 Print
0960 Spiritual sun.... heavenly gardeners.... word of God.... Jun 12, 1939 352 Print
0961 Temporary desire influence of evil power.... Jun 12, 1939 189 Print
0962 Mental activity.... Heart.... Brain.... Jun 13, 1939 825 Print
0963 The prophets' predictions.... The return of Christ.... Jun 13, 1939 583 Print
0964 Last judgement.... divine justice.... Jun 14, 1939 165 Print
0965 Demons.... temptations.... love to matter.... Jun 15, 1939 166 Print
0966 Worldly activity.... spiritual striving and strength for it.... Jun 16, 1939 156 Print
0967 Concern of the spiritual friends.... efforts of the dark forces.... Jun 17, 1939 171 Print
0968 Jesus' suffering on the cross.... earthly body.... Jun 17, 1939 181 Print
0969 Father words.... Jun 18, 1939 191 Print
0970 Light state.... Jun 18, 1939 185 Print
0971 Way to the heights thorny.... God’s word strengthening.... Jun 19, 1939 194 Print
0972 Worldly rulers.... deep fall grace.... Jun 20, 1939 165 Print
0973 Content of the sendings.... communion.... Jun 21, 1939 167 Print
0974a Immortality.... Eternity.... Suicide.... Jun 21, 1939 1147 Print
0974b Immortality.... Eternity.... Suicide.... Jun 22, 1939 1067 Print
0975 Elimination of the God-opposing.... Jun 22, 1939 184 Print
0976 Divine will.... earthly measures.... serving all spiritual.... Jun 23, 1939 186 Print
0977 State of light .... Jun 23, 1939 574 Print
0978 Earth way without God's help.... Jun 24, 1939 186 Print
0979 Developing spiritual abilities through constant practice.... Jun 24, 1939 195 Print
0980 Spiritual sun.... union.... marriage with God.... Jun 25, 1939 203 Print
0981 Announcement of an otherworldly friend.... Jun 25, 1939 199 Print
0982 Warning against worldly lures.... admonition for this work.... Jun 26, 1939 332 Print
0983 Truth.... will.... weak faith.... Jun 27, 1939 187 Print
0984 Prayer in faith protection against dark powers.... Jun 28, 1939 177 Print