Z01 Father Words: "Go the way of love!"

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8383 Illumination of the divine light of love.... Jan 17, 1963 361  Print view
Of the essence of God
8082 God is love.... Jan 19, 1962 969  Print view
8622 Inscrutability of the Deity.... Sep 21, 1963 790  Print view
7828 God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus.... Feb 17, 1961 1153  Print view
Original Sin and Ascent of Spiritual Beings
7067 Act of creating the spiritual beings.... Mar 17, 1958 1466  Print view
6973 God's plan of Salvation.... Original sin.... Adam's fall.... Work of redemption.... Nov 20, 1957 1118  Print view
8702 The beings' gradual higher development in Creation.... Dec 17, 1963 1166  Print view
Earth life purpose
5303 Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character.... Jan 26, 1952 1112  Print view
6180 Voluntary return to God in love.... Jan 30, 1955 201  Print view
Forgiveness of guilt and strengthening of will through Jesus Christ
6438 Occasion and purpose of the descent of Jesus.... Dec 29, 1955 737  Print view
8652 The magnitude of the original sin necessitates Salvation through Jesus Christ.... Oct 22, 1963 551  Print view
8983 The path under the cross must be taken by all people.... May 26, 1965 853  Print view
7033 Most important grace of the work of redemption: strengthening of the will.... Feb 4, 1958 557  Print view
5667 Right path with Jesus Christ as leader.... May 4, 1953 333  Print view
Life of love
7416 Love is the most important thing.... Sep 26, 1959 347  Print view
4961 Love for God and one's neighbour.... Sep 2, 1950 791  Print view
7294 Fighting selfish love.... Feb 27, 1959 773  Print view
3918 Selfless service in every walk of life.... Poverty.... Willingness to give.... Oct 29, 1946 933  Print view
6962 God.... love.... living faith.... Nov 6, 1957 347  Print view
Higher development of the soul
1098 Most important task of being on earth.... Sep 19, 1939 4  Print view
1903 This document has not yet been translated      
8390 Turning away from the world brings in spiritual gain.... Jan 22, 1963 342  Print view
Suffering for the soul
3814 Love and suffering means of purification.... Jun 28, 1946 69  Print view
1749 The soul's hardship necessitates suffering.... 'Father, Your will be done....' Dec 25, 1940 596  Print view
5904 Blessing of suffering.... Mar 16, 1954 703  Print view
Free will
6702 God evaluates only the will.... innermost feeling.... Nov 30, 1956 358  Print view
7348 Free will.... Opportunity for ascent.... Apr 28, 1959 549  Print view
8481 The earnest will to the light is the prerequisite of truth.... Apr 28, 1963 344  Print view
Using the power of prayer
2919 This document has not yet been translated      
7071 A child's prayer to the Father.... Mar 22, 1958 921  Print view
7489 Bonding with Jesus Christ.... Dec 29, 1959 689  Print view
Power from God's Word
3980 Bestowal of the divine word of greatest importance.... Feb 19, 1947 79  Print view
8226 The word inspires love activity.... Jul 28, 1962 441  Print view
8581 "Hear My word...." life force - spiritual power.... Aug 6, 1963 360  Print view
5025 Voluntary return in love to God.... unbreakable bond.... Dec 21, 1950 180  Print view
6053 Way of following Jesus.... Sep 15, 1954 251  Print view
7632 'I am the way, the truth and the life.... ' Jun 25, 1960 685  Print view
0601 Words from Father.... God’s teaching.... God’s children.... Oct 2, 1938 428  Print view
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