S1 Explanation, Comfort And Help For Difficult Days

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
What is truth and how can we find truth?
5700 What is truth?.... Where can it be found?.... Jun 17, 1953 505  Print view
2218 Love is the key to truth.... Jan 21, 1942 799  Print view
6676 'Test all things and keep what is good....' Oct 24, 1956 1201  Print view
What is the meaning and purpose of our earthly life?
8582 What was the human being and what is his earthly task?.... Aug 7, 1963 530  Print view
3794 Freedom of will.... Abandonment of development.... Jun 8, 1946 820  Print view
5303 Purpose of earthly life: Change of will and character.... Jan 26, 1952 1524  Print view
1003 Admonition to exercise self-control.... Gentleness - Peacefulness.... Jul 12, 1939 1273  Print view
1032 Compassion.... Sick and weak people.... Jul 31, 1939 1471  Print view
3918 Selfless service in every walk of life.... Poverty.... Willingness to give.... Oct 29, 1946 1302  Print view
5897 Earthly life is the path but not the goal.... Mar 7, 1954 1340  Print view
6955 Attainment of childship to God only on this earth.... Oct 26, 1957 751  Print view
7642 Living in divine order is fundamental law.... Jul 6, 1960 535  Print view
8032 What is love?.... Changing selfish love into neighbourly love.... Nov 4, 1961 1513  Print view
8786 'The measure you use will be the measure you receive....' Mar 21, 1964 991  Print view
7950 Redemption only through Jesus Christ.... Self-Redemption is not possible.... Jul 26, 1961 738  Print view
What is the significance of illness, suffering and adversity?
5491 Earthly adversity should result in contacting God.... Sep 20, 1952 502  Print view
0687 Blessing of ill health and suffering.... Nov 27, 1938 1076  Print view
6290 Strokes of fate.... Remedies.... Jun 21, 1955 1761  Print view
6508 Surrender to Jesus.... Saviour and Physician.... Redeemer.... Mar 22, 1956 1256  Print view
How should the prayer be to be heard?
2409 Why prayer is necessary.... Jul 15, 1942 733  Print view
3285 Prayer and deeds of love are weapons against temptations.... Oct 8, 1944 739  Print view
7274 What is a right prayer?.... Feb 4, 1959 751  Print view
3927 The fulfilment of prayer in firm belief.... 'Father, Your will be done....' Dec 2, 1946 1960  Print view
Is there life after death?
2113 Belief in a continuation of life.... Consequences of earthly life in the beyond.... Oct 14, 1941 789  Print view
4723 Immortality of soul.... Wrong doctrine.... Aug 25, 1949 775  Print view
4757 Body, soul and spirit.... Explanation.... Oct 9, 1949 1106  Print view
6541 The sleep of the soul.... Misguided teaching.... May 6, 1956 1249  Print view
8745 The souls' fate after death varies.... Feb 5, 1964 1558  Print view
Is there a reunion after earthly death?
6312 Reunion in the beyond.... Jul 15, 1955 1481  Print view
6851 Reunion and associations in the beyond.... Jun 14, 1957 980  Print view
What does the prayer mean for the dead and human beings?
2075 Souls of the deceased close to earth.... Sep 17, 1941 508  Print view
5161 Strength of intercession.... Jun 30, 1951 1338  Print view
6423 Happiness and gratitude of redeemed souls.... Dec 12, 1955 1054  Print view
6582 Intercession for fellow human beings.... Jun 28, 1956 964  Print view
Where can I find help in suffering and adversity?
4720 Shield of faith.... Trust.... God's protection.... Aug 22, 1949 976  Print view
5593 God does not condemn but wants to redeem.... Feb 2, 1953 1000  Print view
6111 'Fear not....' Nov 17, 1954 1108  Print view
6704 God's promise of help.... Strength of faith.... Dec 2, 1956 481  Print view
7496 Jesus as leader.... Jan 8, 1960 1418  Print view
Why do people live different long terms?
3260 Early death.... God's mercy.... Old age.... Sep 18, 1944 1478  Print view
8772 The early death of children.... Mar 7, 1964 1765  Print view
Why are so many people repressing the thought of death?
2776 The will to live.... Fear of death Jun 16, 1943 809  Print view
2348 Hour of death.... May 27, 1942 1029  Print view
7480 Death, where is your sting....' Dec 17, 1959 1231  Print view
Is euthanasia or suicide the right solution?
0974a Immortality.... Eternity.... Suicide.... Jun 21, 1939 1139  Print view
0974b Immortality.... Eternity.... Suicide.... Jun 22, 1939 1057  Print view
6005 Arbitrarily taking one's own life.... Jul 19, 1954 1271  Print view
How should the human body be laid to rest - Burial or cremation?
1899 Cremation.... Accelerated disintegration process.... Apr 28, 1941 829  Print view
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