165 Conversion Back To Love

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
5859 Revelations expression of God's love.... Jan 22, 1954 158  Print view
God is love
2289 God is Love.... The mystery of love.... Apr 4, 1942 957  Print view
5689 God wants to be recognised through Creation as Love.... May 31, 1953 638  Print view
Turn away of spiritual beings from God
7067 Act of creating the spiritual beings.... Mar 17, 1958 1466  Print view
8672 Cause of Lucifer's apostasy from God.... Nov 13, 1963 784  Print view
8880 Rejecting the strength of love was the 'sin'.... Nov 8, 1964 1121  Print view
God's saving plan
6336 The plan of deifying the beings.... Aug 19, 1955 733  Print view
6497 Repatriation plan.... free will.... Mar 10, 1956 519  Print view
The upward trend in the creations
8216 The transformation of the original spirit into creations.... Jul 16, 1962 953  Print view
8702 The beings' gradual higher development in Creation.... Dec 17, 1963 1166  Print view
The creation of man
5800 Creation of the human being.... The fall of man.... Oct 31, 1953 1177  Print view
7569 Self-awareness of the original spirit.... Apr 5, 1960 579  Print view
7824 The endless-long walk of the fallen original spirit.... Feb 13, 1961 376  Print view
Eradication of original sin by Jesus Christ
7575 God's love expressed in the work of redemption.... Apr 12, 1960 557  Print view
7748 Original sin and atonement through Jesus Christ.... Nov 17, 1960 756  Print view
8331 Jesus lived life for the people.... Nov 18, 1962 576  Print view
Purpose of earthly life: Change of character to love
4933 Earth life purpose transformation of the being to love.... Jul 13, 1950 106  Print view
6557 Transformation of nature.... Fighting against perverted love.... May 29, 1956 532  Print view
7241 Right use of life force.... great responsibility.... Dec 30, 1958 514  Print view
7351 Change of character into love.... God´s presence.... May 1, 1959 762  Print view
8019 Change of nature into love with the help of Jesus Christ.... Oct 15, 1961 928  Print view
8510 Re-transformation into love.... Spiritual spark.... Outpouring of the spirit.... May 27, 1963 388  Print view
Bond with the Father
7116 Humble prayer.... pride share of the adversary.... May 9, 1958 607  Print view
8313 God's power current.... Oct 29, 1962 473  Print view
8359 Bonding with God guarantees His illumination of love.... Dec 20, 1962 526  Print view
Union with God
5357 Union with God through love.... Apr 8, 1952 164  Print view
8420 Only through the work of redemption is "divinisation" possible.... Feb 23, 1963 735  Print view
7133 Reconversion process takes ages.... May 28, 1958 516  Print view
7300 The shortest way is the way across the cross.... Mar 6, 1959 884  Print view
8042 God's great love.... Nov 18, 1961 729  Print view
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