1130 Apparent cruelty.... destroy all possessions....

October 8, 1939: Book 20

Blessed are those who confess Me, who entrust themselves to Me and desire My love.... They have found the way to Me and can no longer go astray. And their souls are saved for eternity....

Thus hear My word: The world sees boundless misery and people's greed is assuming proportions which must inevitably lead to the most blatant evils, and no earthly power will succeed in putting a stop to the unheard-of cruelties.... And since earthly rulers cannot make use of their power, since all their efforts to stop the acts of violence will be useless, the deity Himself will intervene and wrest their power from them in an incomprehensible way. Yet the intervention of divinity is of such incisive significance for all people, for from the very beginning everyone fears for his life, for he regocnizes his powerlessness and at the same time the working of forces hostile to God in people. Whoever walks with God in all his ways, none of the enemies can touch his life. Although he regocnizes the powerlessness of the hitherto unconquered, he nevertheless gives way to confrontations with earthly power, for hardly any concession can be hoped for from this side, since they have set themselves the goal of destroying certain views and therefore also those who persist in such views. Admittedly, they will be severely affected because the world will run riot, quarrels and disputes among humanity will reach their highest bloom and the commandments of divine love will be little or no longer observed, and thus all these creatures are in satan's power, and in order to redeem them from it the father in heaven will also have to use means which could almost be called cruel if the human being does not want to faithfully abandon himself to Him.... For only he who fully trusts in the lord regocnizes His hand in every event. And what causes the whole world to become agitated will appear inevitable and necessary to the believing earthly child, yet the world does not yet regocnize the true meaning of all apparently cruel events.... it only sees the suffering but not the blessing of suffering. And since the lord takes care of a people that is sinking and whose spiritual state is so sad, He meets the people precisely where they are still too attached to the earthly.... He takes away all their possessions.... He lets people become acquainted with poverty, and in this poverty He again provides them with the favours that are available to them all. For the lord is not intent on destruction but only on changing the way of thinking.... And thus He has to turn thinking towards the spiritual and away from the earthly, and this is the purpose of all forthcoming events which could mislead you humans into assuming that earthly wealth will be haphazardly destroyed by divine will.... for the sole reason that the battle is for the destruction of matter.... Matter certainly has to be overcome, but truly no such cruelties are necessary for this.... but now it shall turn out how peace-loving people can spend their lives if God Himself removes all obstacles from their path.... and since humanity no longer does anything other than increase possessions and goods on a small as well as on a large scale, the lord will remove these obstacles to eternal life and thus allow an event to come upon people which will speak clearly enough for itself but which was regocnized by God's wisdom as the last attempt to save erring souls and thus has been predetermined since eternity....


Translated by: Doris Boekers

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