159 God Sent His Son To Earth

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
5789 Declaration required by the mission of Jesus.... Oct 14, 1953 576  Print view
Lucifer, the first-created spirit from God and his case
5612 First created being.... Light bearer.... Apostasy from God.... Feb 28, 1953 1049  Print view
7067 Act of creating the spiritual beings.... Mar 17, 1958 1466  Print view
8880 Rejecting the strength of love was the 'sin'.... Nov 8, 1964 1121  Print view
All beings were completely equal
8797 God only created beings of equal perfection.... I. Apr 3, 1964 739  Print view
8798 God only created beings of equal perfection.... II. Apr 4, 1964 727  Print view
Reason for Jesus’ mission
6438 Occasion and purpose of the descent of Jesus.... Dec 29, 1955 737  Print view
8750 Was Jesus' soul already incarnated before God's human manifestation?.... Feb 11, 1964 1129  Print view
God sent His son to earth, Jesus, the first non-fallen original spirit
2452 This document has not yet been translated      
8263 "God sent His son to earth.... " Sep 3, 1962 871  Print view
8537 'God sent His Son to Earth....' Jun 22, 1963 904  Print view
The incarnation of Jesus
8353 Messiah, Saviour of humankind.... Dec 12, 1962 709  Print view
8667 Jesus as a human being knew of His mission.... Nov 8, 1963 534  Print view
8756 Jesus’ body was also solidified substance in accordance with God’s will.... Feb 18, 1964 585  Print view
The unanimity of God with Jesus
7454 Deification of Jesus.... incarnation of God.... Nov 12, 1959 357  Print view
8091 Human manifestation in Jesus .... Jan 30, 1962 578  Print view
8250 God and Jesus are one.... Human manifestation of God.... Aug 24, 1962 1570  Print view
Jesus’ work of redemption
5213 Jesus Christ.... redeemer - God-man.... Sep 16, 1951 172  Print view
5361 Fall of the angels.... good friday message.... Apr 11, 1952 179  Print view
8222 Jesus has satisfied God's justice.... Jul 24, 1962 834  Print view
The visibleness of God in Jesus
5348 Christ problem.... visible God.... Mar 31, 1952 114  Print view
7828 God is a spirit Who has manifested Himself in Jesus.... Feb 17, 1961 1153  Print view
7816 The right concept of God.... Feb 4, 1961 779  Print view
Recognition of Jesus as God
5884 Jesus Christ.... His holy name.... Feb 22, 1954 194  Print view
6098 God in Jesus Christ.... Nov 4, 1954 469  Print view
8280 Why Jesus Christ must be acknowledged.... Sep 23, 1962 531  Print view
5577 God's spirit in the man Jesus.... following.... Jan 14, 1953 318  Print view
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