150 Form Christians - Living Christians

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
9002 Why constantly New Revelations?.... Jun 25, 1965 891  Print view
Misleading interpretation of the Bible
5957 The letter kills.... the spirit makes alive.... May 14, 1954 143  Print view
8845 Interpretation of the divine Word.... Aug 26, 1964 840  Print view
Examples of misleading interpretations of the words of Jesus
2056 This document has not yet been translated      
4379 Last Supper.... Spiritual meaning.... Flesh - blood.... Jul 18, 1948 775  Print view
8688 Wrong interpretation of Jesus' Words.... Nov 29, 1963 1113  Print view
Spiritual compulsion
4840 Ecclesiastical commandments.... Feb 16, 1950 571  Print view
4993 Spiritual coercion.... Dogma.... Nov 2, 1950 959  Print view
6640 Doubt about doctrines of faith.... spiritual compulsion.... Sep 9, 1956 379  Print view
Examples of spiritual compulsion
1375 Human additions.... Attendance at church.... Apr 8, 1940 613  Print view
1482 Forgiveness of sins.... Infallibility.... Routine actions.... Jun 20, 1940 753  Print view
2383b Infallibility of the head of church.... Jun 25, 1942 738  Print view
Ceremonies and customs
2522 This document has not yet been translated      
3139 This document has not yet been translated      
7246 Habitual customs and words.... Jan 5, 1959 381  Print view
Formal faith – Formal Christians
2254 This document has not yet been translated      
3529 Form faith.... convinced faith.... Aug 30, 1945 54  Print view
6309 Idleness of life.... church christians.... Jul 11, 1955 282  Print view
7690 Message to the formal Christians.... Sep 3, 1960 1023  Print view
Living Faith – Living Christians
2300 This document has not yet been translated      
6427 Living faith in Jesus Christ.... Dec 16, 1955 580  Print view
7266 Characteristic of the living christian.... Jan 26, 1959 437  Print view
7779 "Living christians".... Dec 22, 1960 363  Print view
The church of Christ
4721 Christ head of His church.... members of the true church.... Aug 22, 1949 115  Print view
4942 'Thou art Peter, the rock, and upon this rock I will build My church....' Jul 27, 1950 559  Print view
7072 The true church.... Sects.... Working of the spirit.... Mar 24, 1958 715  Print view
Priestly ministry
2379 This document has not yet been translated      
5669 Spiritual work in all schools of thought.... right representatives.... May 6, 1953 134  Print view
7903 Priesthood.... the right disciples.... May 28, 1961 517  Print view
Should you leave the Church?
0400 Leaving the mother church.... May 5, 1938 866  Print view
5571b Formalities, ceremonies.... True church service.... Jan 7, 1953 772  Print view
Profess Jesus Christ in the battle of faith
4012 Confessing christ.... living christianity.... Mar 31, 1947 83  Print view
4768 Collapse of ecclesiastical organisations.... True church.... Oct 28, 1949 933  Print view
7216 ‘Whosoever shall confess Me before men .... ’ Nov 28, 1958 1222  Print view
8723 Confessing before the world in the final battle of faith.... Jan 12, 1964 400  Print view
3618 Free will decision.... church organisation.... Dec 2, 1945 57  Print view
5982 Change of the true Gospel.... Followers?.... Jun 22, 1954 1307  Print view
8796 Every person has to accept the consequences of his knowledge.... Apr 2, 1964 722  Print view
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