147 Recognizing Jesus As The Son Of God And Redeemer Of The World

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B.D.-No. Title Date Accesses Extra
8256 Truthful knowledge of redemptive work.... Aug 29, 1962 343  Print view
Original sin of the people and the way through creation
4551 Question ‘Why’.... (Anthroposophist Cologne).... Fall of the angels.... Sin.... Jan 28, 1949 390  Print view
5967 Hereditary sin.... May 29, 1954 1369  Print view
7800 Process of development on earth.... Jan 21, 1961 796  Print view
Recognize and acknowledge God
6481 Recognising and acknowledging God.... Atheists.... Feb 20, 1956 563  Print view
8606 God is seen in creation.... Sep 4, 1963 366  Print view
Jesus Christ - Son of God
8263 "God sent His son to earth.... " Sep 3, 1962 871  Print view
8537 'God sent His Son to Earth....' Jun 22, 1963 904  Print view
Incarnation of God
7147 God became visible in Jesus Christ.... Jun 18, 1958 902  Print view
8250 God and Jesus are one.... Human manifestation of God.... Aug 24, 1962 1570  Print view
Expiation of guilt by Jesus Christ
6985 Jesus' spiritual mission.... Dec 5, 1957 748  Print view
7577 Good Friday.... Apr 15, 1960 569  Print view
7668 'It is finished....' Aug 7, 1960 540  Print view
Acknowledge the work of redemption
3642 Acknowledgement of the work of redemption necessary for maturity of soul.... Dec 31, 1945 88  Print view
7156 Remember the significance of the work of redemption.... Jun 30, 1958 556  Print view
Conscious asking for forgiveness of sin
7717 The way to the cross must be taken.... Oct 1, 1960 363  Print view
9010 Recognition and admission of guilt.... Jul 7, 1965 975  Print view
Connection with Jesus Christ
7940 Man's conscious approach to God.... Jul 11, 1961 359  Print view
8045 Striving for living faith.... Nov 22, 1961 372  Print view
8365 The adversary's onslaughts in the last days.... Dec 29, 1962 1075  Print view
Spirit strengthen by Jesus Christ
7035 Strengthening of will through Jesus Christ.... Assessment of will.... Feb 6, 1958 897  Print view
8468 Only Jesus can strengthen the will.... Apr 14, 1963 543  Print view
Acknowledging Jesus Christ
5844 Acknowledgment or rejection.... Jesus Christ.... Jan 3, 1954 888  Print view
6670 Acknowledging Jesus Christ and benefiting from the graces.... Oct 15, 1956 699  Print view
6579 'No one comes to the Father....' Jun 25, 1956 1083  Print view
7216 ‘Whosoever shall confess Me before men .... ’ Nov 28, 1958 1222  Print view
Acknowledging Jesus in the beyond
8036 Entrance into the kingdom of light without Jesus Christ?.... Nov 8, 1961 512  Print view
5929 Redemption of hell.... ray of light in the form of a cross.... Apr 13, 1954 187  Print view
6797 Every soul must find Jesus Christ.... Apr 3, 1957 1057  Print view
7572 Refuge to Jesus.... Apr 10, 1960 350  Print view
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